So nice to see Butters. Has she gained any weight?
Yes! Well, 3 ounces. At least she's not losing.
3 lbs 4 oz this afternoon.
Here she is eating chick grit (and then a little chick feed).

She's been jumping straight up to try to get walnuts faster than I dole bits out, and she may have sprained something, she jumped off the log just now and immediately favored her right leg. Poor girl!
Meanwhile the Spuds find me a great climbing object when I'm crouched doing something!

Hey! Stop That!
We have a grooming session going on right now. I think Lady Featherington is trying to help Hattie by removing molting feathers. I believe Hattie does not want help because Lady Featherington just got pecked pretty hard. Maybe that last one wasn't ready to come out yet.

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Ow! Dorothy had one just hanging there off her wing, so I hauled it out, gave a good tug, she gave a good squawk, but now it’s gone. Teeheehee 😆

She is steering clear of me now 🤭
Hello everyone.

I am just popping in for a second. I am way behind, not been able to get on since late Friday. If I have time will try to do a longer post to update everyone. The hospital released grandma Saturday. Due to her being diagnosed with covid she needed to be hospitalized 11 days to get into a nursing home. We did not get that, instead they sent her home weaker then when she went in. She is now bedridden. They did not even provide a ambulance to get her in the house, it was up to us. Well, that led to another 911 call when she collapsed the second they got her out of the car. They sent a fire truck, 2 normal trucks with the volunteer fired department and a ambulance. 4 men had to carry her up the steps and place her in the hospital bed. The only good thing to come out of the whole situation is mom was finally able to get the process started to get outside help without her permission. The only question now is how long is that going to take.

I am crying for you, your mum, and your gran. They just want her to go home and have you deal with it. Terribly sad all around.

Please tell me you are taking time for yourself and playing with your chooks.

Here is a smile for you, Mr P and Marty are molting and both look hilarious. I try not to laugh at them so they don’t feel bad (or poop on me when I am not looking in retaliation).

@bgmathteach it must have been extremely difficult after having given her so much care. I’m sure she enjoyed each day she had in your flock as a precious gift, like chickens do. I think it's admirable that you found it in you to help her walk along the path and let her go when it became necessary.

What kind of a world where things like this can happen. I just hope you can find emotional support with your animals.
:hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs

I really hope you don't feel disowned. I think we participate in the synopsis because we feel this thread gave us something precious at some point and we want to give back and help it live, at least that's my case.

Glynda’s face is beautiful.
There must be exceptions to the egg/ear colour rule.
Merle lays very light cream eggs, that you would think were white unless seeing them next to a white egg.
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Chipie lays white eggs (well, about 20 a year between may and august). And hum, please don't say anything about her tail.
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Re ear colour - silkies have very blue ear lobes and lay pink eggs 💕😊
Okay, I'm the only one who 'hearted' this post. for all you out there - I sometimes heart a sad post because the sentiment shared is thoughtful and kind - I love the sentiment behind the post, not necessarily the situation that prompted it. Just an FYI/clarification. I'm not sadistic or what not - I just appreciate the kindness and thoughtfulness of you all on this thread.

:hugs :hugs :hugsLots of hugs to you, @RebeccaBoyd :hugs :hugs :hugs
I do that too, I Love as hugs to the poster, or in sympathy with them, or that I really loved the sentiments in the post.

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