Henny Penny all fluffed up and protecting her precious life pods

Thought it might be more snow for you! I have that problem here, need to wash the windows one day…. Next year 😁
On the heights, maybe.....nothing but maybe rain with possibly freezing temps overnight in the forecast for the next few days, though. I'm glad as it's good for my moulters and for healing with my overnight patients. I am glad they were ready for outside. It was also good to see Whiskey so willing to hover around Twirp. He may be my go to when I have ladies to nurse in future.
They all flew south here weeks ago. They don’t winter here at all. And really like them, they are such awesome woodpeckers 💕

Have a ton of little chickadee here that Tippy is bound and determined to catch! She and Butterscotch are brats! They are getting up into the pine trees chasing them, my BIL was freaking out yesterday - apparently his chooks didn’t climb trees or escape from his runs haha. He was worried about them up in the trees - I told him if he was worried he could climb up and try to catch them. 😁
View attachment 3677241On the heights, maybe.....nothing but maybe rain with possibly freezing temps overnight in the forecast for the next few days, though. I'm glad as it's good for my moulters and for healing with my overnight patients. I am glad they were ready for outside. It was also good to see Whiskey so willing to hover around Twirp. He may be my go to when I have ladies to nurse in future.
That’s nice and mild. It’s been fairly mild and dry here also.

Today Mr P pecked Muffy on the back, it’s the second time he did that to her. Not sure why, she is squatting like crazy so I would think that he would be more than happy for some whoopi! Of course he is cranky since he has been moulting. But I have seen him breeding his main harem. Not sure what to make of it really.

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