Another night, another possum. This now makes 3. Houston we have a problem. I have not lost a chicken to my knowledge to a possum, but I do not like them. I have had a few young chicks vanish before, not sure what to blame it on. Eggs could be drawing them in, those girls like to hide their eggs and I occasionally still find a hidden nest. Truth be told, I do not even know which hens are laying regularly with half the flock in various stages of molt. I do feel I should be getting more then a average of 7 to 8 eggs a day, and some days I am getting 11 to 12. All I know for sure is so far each one has been killed around midnight and CeeCee is getting them as they come off the hill into the creek. I do not know how she knows they are out there, but she knows. She is coming out of dead sleeps and begging at the back door to be let out.
Good CeeCee

Better to nip the predator thing in the bud, they can be ferocious.
My bet is on Muffy. Was she not the one that Mr. P half-heartedly pecked on the back a few days ago? I tell you, experienced roosters know these things.
But then today I only got 4 blue eggs, I tell you I don’t know what’s going on with these pullets! If they are hiding them I do not know where. I pretty much pulled the barn apart looking for hidden eggs.

And I am thinking now it was only 4 blue eggs and that I missed one the day before - darn twister laying over by the hay again. Oh I don’t know. I am home tomorrow and I plan on staying out here till I see everyone lay their eggs!
I hope you can find homes for your boys, but it can be difficult. I too have 2 boys that need to go. I hate to say it but their time here is limited and they have been listed and advertised for a month now with no takers. They are right now about 5 months old and have just in the last few days found their voices. They also have turned their attentions to the hens and well, idiots is a nice way to put it. Me and dad have a agreement, they have until next weekend to find a home. If not, and I will take no part in it, they are going to freezer camp. My dad likes fried chicken, I do not like chicken on the bone or dark meat chicken so to me eating them is a waste. Dad has no issues and informed me if they are processed I do not even have to be outside when he does it. My brother and Rosie and Grandma also like fried chicken with the bone in. A deal is made that they will try and eat it. I want to place them and will keep trying. If no luck then I have comfort knowing their life was not wasted and they will feed my family. I cannot keep any more boys, not even going to try. Frankly right now I do not like how they are starting to treat the hens and if they get rougher I will up the freezer date.
I feel your pain. Tough I know 😟 and to think I am letting Henny hatch eggs - I truly am certifiable. But there it is, I am officially the crazy chicken lady.
Back from the north slope of Alaska. It was a rough 2 weeks with my bronchitis kicking my butt. Hope everyone is enjoying good health and the company of their favorite critters. 😊
I was thinking of you today and was about to drop you a note! Sorry you’re not feeling great, hopefully the warmer weather your way will make you feel better.
I was thinking of you today and was about to drop you a note! Sorry you’re not feeling great, hopefully the warmer weather your way will make you feel better.
After an afternoon in the ER Saturday I am breathing much better. Still don't have my MOJO, Feel tired easily. Did manage to put up a nice roof over one of the pens though. Liking the white color roofing 😊
Pavers done!
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Checked Tedi' uropygial gland and saw and felt nothing that looked out of place, but what do I know?

Pressed around it and rubbed the sides some, I didn't see a drop come out but I didn't squeeze it or the base hard. I recall the vet did and they didn't like it. Pale, skin-colored and normal looking. No red or swollen parts. Will look at the others' and compare.

Hard to find, took awhile through her tight dense fluff feathers but I knew when I was getting close because she made those little boks. There are some new pin feathers growing in around there. Maybe that's her source of discomfort?

Very cute thing, it looks like an anemone with a tuft of feathers coming out of the tip.
That’s an amazing job! Well done. You are welcome to come for a visit this weekend - I have more pavers to fix - darn rats!

I checked Marty’s oil gland no problem finding it she’s a bald bird hahaha. Hers also looks ok, but also, what do I know?
After an afternoon in the ER Saturday I am breathing much better. Still don't have my MOJO, Feel tired easily. Did manage to put up a nice roof over one of the pens though. Liking the white color roofing 😊View attachment 3680039
I am glad you’re feeling better, but working on roofing?? 😊 you should be resting.

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