Josey laid her first egg of 2024!
After her first molt!!!:ya:wee


And made cookies with it !😋👍
Soooo, a thing happened this morning. I have a new egg. It was laid in the coop before I let everyone out. The only girls who slept in the coop were Lilly, the 2 rocks, Spot, Owly and Poppet. I have 3 pullets who could have laid this, Spot, Owly or Poppet. The egg was right in front of Poppets little house. I suspect it is either Poppets or gulp, Owly's.
I know I have joked Owly could lay a pink egg. I think she took me seriously.
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Oh gosh hahahaha I jinxed you 😆 I feel soooo bad!
Stupid question, but not real chickens...right? That red can't be natural.

Took the chooks some yum...baked chicken last night and all the yummy grease soaked up into bits protein wrap (which I bought to be healthy, but were gross) with potatoes and the uneaten chicken ... a cannibal treat. It's somewhat disturbing how much they love it.View attachment 3733676
Poor Sheba. She's one beat up lady. But look closely! View attachment 3733678
Pin feathers!
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Now that there's no roo riding her, maybe she'll get all pretty again. The back of her head looks a bit like hamburger, but nothings bleeding. View attachment 3733689
And she isn't having any trouble getting her share of the grub.

I'm looking forward to having pretty, fully feathered chickens.
Oh so glad she is moulting 😊💕

Soon she will be beautiful again 😊💕
Internet in the barn? Don't be surprised if you see some shiny device that the chooks are huddling over when you go out to them in the morning.
My office is in the barn I keep my laptop password protected! I have had internet out there for years 😊
He sure told me! Sir Jaffar was getting his girls to go home to the coop. After everyone was inside, he approached me.
“Come squire, we shall partake of the warmth of your house now!” Said Sir Jaffar. It’s the only way I could explain it. He left the coop, headed towards the house where he knew I was heading. :old :idunno
Oh so glad she is moulting 😊💕

Soon she will be beautiful again 😊💕
@Lilion 's Sheba is not actually molting, you think? I was thinking she's just replacing feathers in those spots? When they lose feathers from injury, those will grow back only there? At least I thought so. Butters had a bare spot or two (tiny) from the brutal hawk attack (she was mostly bruised) and new feathers came in just there.
She made up for her transgression. She went into the coop, laid an egg and left without incident!
Straighten me out. Dakota was found eating an egg "on her platform" - that great TV mount inside your house that is the chickens' perch, right? Then later on she left the house and laid an egg in the coop? How much time in between these events? Did she lay two eggs in a row within hours of eachother, or lay the first way earlier and then accidentally maybe on purpose broke it and ate it many hours later? We need a record check 👮‍♂️ 🗒️

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