I love my silkies. I am really surprised on how much I adore them considering in the beginning I was so anti-silkie. Rosie wanted them, I thought they were ugly and never happening. I can say it now, I was wrong and she was right, we needed silkies. I think your little boy would be in heaven with his own little lap silkie. Before Poppet I would have said get a chick and raise it if you want a snuggly silkie. I got Poppet at supposedly 5, I really think more like 4 months old. Within 2 days I had her won over and she wants to be on me or in my lap all the time. If you have a favorite color, odds are there is a silkie in that color too. No matter the color, you should have black skin, blue ear lobes and double toes.
Mayyyybeeeee I am where you were. I would like to repair the relationship my kids have with the chickens. Oreo, aka attack for no reason chicken, had a lasting impression on both my kids and it wasn’t good. Story is sweet, Lore thinks the kids are fun to chase if they run. He doesn’t attack them butttt if they run he is game to chase em off. I think he will stop this after this spring, he is huge and not particularly inclined to feats of physical prowess 😂 and his heart isn’t really in the fight, it’s clearly hormones. Time will tell for sure and I am watching him closely.

So, all that to say mayyybe 🤔 they do not take up much space after all….
Twofer Tuesday
I don't know if I have shown this before but Parm has grown feathers since this photo was taken.
Do you normally get that much snow? For here I wouldn’t bat an eyelash at it, but your so far south I wonder if it’s usual for you? FYI still no snow here - cold today and flurries but just a dry dusting . The chickens decided nope not going out today when I got home, too windy and too cold.

It was hilarious- they ran out to the middle of the run, stopped looked around and ran back inside the barn hahaha - wimps!
Our significant snows are driven by nor'easters . Some winters there are none, some winters there is one a week. It's kind of feast or famine here.

This single storm delivered over 30 inches in one storm a while back. I have had snow piled 5 feet high along the sidewalks before.

These were 1/2 way through the storm. That's the old coop. It was buried when the storm was over.
2016-01-23 16.11.28.jpg
2016-01-23 16.11.38.jpg

This was the second night of the storm. More fell after this.

2016-01-23 20.39.05.jpg

There are 3 cars in this picture. 2 in the driveway, red and grey and a blue one out on the street.
2016-01-24 11.21.53.jpg

This is the car nearest the house, a red Toyota Celica.
2016-01-24 11.23.49.jpg

This is the view from my garage.

2016-01-24 11.27.45.jpg

This is the view from the street one I made it out there.

2016-01-24 11.51.39.jpg

I brought the chickens in the house or they would have smothered under the snow. I used a ladder for a makeshift roost.
2016-01-23 08.57.22.jpg
2016-01-23 23.02.40.jpg

So it's not technically unusual but it's not every year. I am fully equipped to deal with it. Took me 10 minutes to dig out today.
Can't wait for Caturday Saturday. For now, here's photos of Grandma and Chubby in the house when they shouldn't be but unlike Old Man, Old Woman allows them to, as long as they don't run, jump or make a mess. They have yet to get used to each other, however these photos show that the phrase "looks can be deceiving" is an understatement.

O my goodness, she is so pretty!! What is her breed?
Silkies are devious little trouble makers they look all innocent and act like they are so hard done by, then the next thing you know they jump on you lap grab your bagel and take off with it! And don’t think they can’t run!

Right Fluffy?!
View attachment 3747272
He looks guilty...
If it were my bagel, they better run!
I've got one prank planned out that I will share once it's over since then my sister will see my post and will know what it is.
i won't tell, hehehe. As long as you update :D :D
Our significant snows are driven by nor'easters . Some winters there are none, some winters there is one a week. It's kind of feast or famine here.

This single storm delivered over 30 inches in one storm a while back. I have had snow piled 5 feet high along the sidewalks before.

These were 1/2 way through the storm. That's the old coop. It was buried when the storm was over. View attachment 3747342View attachment 3747343

This was the second night of the storm. More fell after this.

View attachment 3747344

There are 3 cars in this picture. 2 in the driveway, red and grey and a blue one out on the street.
View attachment 3747345

This is the car nearest the house, a red Toyota Celica. View attachment 3747346

This is the view from my garage.

View attachment 3747348

This is the view from the street one I made it out there.

View attachment 3747347

I brought the chickens in the house or they would have smothered under the snow. I used a ladder for a makeshift roost.
View attachment 3747352View attachment 3747353

So it's not technically unusual but it's not every year. I am fully equipped to deal with it. Took me 10 minutes to dig out today.
WOW that is a LOT of snow
Can't wait for Caturday Saturday. For now, here's photos of Grandma and Chubby in the house when they shouldn't be but unlike Old Man, Old Woman allows them to, as long as they don't run, jump or make a mess. They have yet to get used to each other, however these photos show that the phrase "looks can be deceiving" is an understatement.
View attachment 3747381
View attachment 3747386
Aww, that is so sweet ❤️
Can't wait for Caturday Saturday. For now, here's photos of Grandma and Chubby in the house when they shouldn't be but unlike Old Man, Old Woman allows them to, as long as they don't run, jump or make a mess. They have yet to get used to each other, however these photos show that the phrase "looks can be deceiving" is an understatement.
View attachment 3747381
View attachment 3747386
The cat choose hooman, but chicken choose cat.

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