I have Coco with me. She’s being a good hen. I am actually telling her my inner most demons and secrets. She doesn’t mind listening to me. It’s nice to confess my secrets to her, she’ll never tell anyone else !
She’s one very happy chook. :love :old
A person with my life experience has a lot of secrets and sadly demons.
I have Coco with me. She’s being a good hen. I am actually telling her my inner most demons and secrets. She doesn’t mind listening to me. It’s nice to confess my secrets to her, she’ll never tell anyone else !
She’s one very happy chook. :love :old
A person with my life experience has a lot of secrets and sadly demons.
Can you get some of that winterization plastic on clearance to cover the windows of the mudroom for a week or so? Or use a shower curtain? Blocking the wind might be enough, especially if you can warm her. Heating pad might help there. What I'm using with the chicks. No auto shut off, remove the cover, can wash it.


The bathtub was my first thought....the slope would allow her to walk out, could drain/clean it fairly easily. Our tubs have the sliding doors which would keep her there more easily than a shower curtain... and a 1x6, 8, 12 across it would give her a place to get out of the water...and 2 would be OK together.
I actually DON'T want her swimming and getting wound wet. I put her and a 'friend' in the tub with a 1 gal. rubber dish of water, and some food. She did drink, but not eat. Since they were just going to sleep when I took them out, I put both in the tote - after cleaning and re-dressing the patient's wound. It looked decent, as farI could tell.

*Note to self - next time, line the tub bottom with opened up paper feed bags....what a mess - food everywhere from the one eating, and poop from both!*
Wow. I am so sorry that happened to you.

Apollo is being aggressive towards Charlie. Diana is scared of him, all though he is twice her size, so I don’t blame her. Poor Charlie is wagging his tail, being sweet. He’s so confused.

Apollo is barking, snarling, fur up. But his tail is wagging. Everything else about him is aggressive though. We tried to introduce them on leash outside. That didn’t work because of stupid Apollo. Charlie is inside right now on our back porch. Our porch is fully connected to our house and fully walled in. I wouldn’t consider it as “outside” like most porches. To make it more clear because I suck at explaining, it’s a room in our house that has windows instead of screen. It also has a big glass door, so Apollo and Diana can see him through there, which should be helpful.
Up this way in a cold climate, that would be called a sunroom. Basically a porch with glass instead of screens, or with glass panels that switch out to screens for summer. Might be insulated but often not, it’s kind of a three-season room.
Everybody doing okay tonight
While I was at school, my parents returned him to his owner because he was too big. He was super sweet. It’s not fair because he would have settled in just fine. I’m ticked off.
That sounds like a good decision on your parent’s part. You’re likely perfectly right that he would settle in, but your family demonstrated not being able to control your aggressive dog. The German shepherd’s safety was at the whim of the growling dog! That’s an unfair situation to move in to. And because he is so large and powerful, there’s a reasonable chance that he would have won a fight- which is truly not something your parents want to see play out.
Yikes - another thing i didn't know I needed to do!
You shouldn't have to trim beaks except for special needs chickens (Bolt is a special needs girl with her cross beak - that should be FILED, not trimmed, as they have clusters of sensory nerves in their beaks along the edges) Chickens naturally file their beaks = when it appears they are 'wiping' their beaks - they are actually filing it.

@Ponypoor do you have any of the pavers left from 'paving' the barn's center aisle? If so, putting one out on the side of the aisle will make it easier for them to file their own beak - it can be difficult for them to use the flat floor pavers.
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Salt-free for chickens…
Gah, I hadn’t thought of this. It had not occurred to me that they would add salt to an already salty fish.
Just looked it up- sure enough they double the salt content. Well, if I do sardines once a week, hopefully the sodium won’t have too much of an impact. What do you think, reasonable?
Soooooo.... I may or may not be grounded. I got a 76 on a test today, which is the worst I've ever gotten in that class..
My dad took my phone and threw it at a wall, but I asked my mom to make sure it's not broken. Luckily, it's not.

Polishes should be here before 6:00 PM tomorrow. I still need to set up their brooder, which I will do once I am done studying for a Spanish II spelling test- EASY!!

I'm using my school Chromebook for this, and it's scary because I don't want to get in trouble with the school. I will however, take the chance because I don't want to miss out on all of this stuff.
People who get mad over grades like that are some of my least favorite.

Hope all goes well with the Polishes.

Your school probably doesn't care. Chances are they might just think you're doing chicken research. Make sure you didn't save your BYC password to the device.
Those are lovely - Elsa is of course gorgeous, who’s the big white Roo?
Texas, Tex for short, accurately named because his ego was the size of Texas! My white leghorn. He would try to attack me, but loved to sit by me and purr and napped while I snuggled and sang to my hens. Eventually he stopped trying to get me and just got used to me instead. My big stick, by the door, helped until he realized I wasn't easily frightened off.

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