Well friends, my flight is canceled for today. A mountain storm set in at 7000 ft
Snow precipitation conditions in the region. I will NOT fly through that pass having to fight those hazardous conditions!
Good call.

So reschedule for a better day I guess.

Your chooks will be happy you are staying home 😊
Hey everyone

Things have settled down for the evening so I have a break to myself. I should be taking a nap but I find myself too tired and my mind racing so forget that for the moment. I am making half a pot of coffee. I know it sounds silly, but 2 good cups of coffee in peace and solitude will settle me down quicker then anything. My grandma is still with us but if it was bad before now it is just heartbreaking. Either due to the dementia or the advancing of the cardiac shock taking hold she does not know us 95% of the time. Sometimes after sitting and talking to her for a brief moment she will remember us but it is gone almost immediately. She does not know where she is at and each time she rouses up she thinks she is either in the hospital or at someone else's house. She has never been in a car wreck but the other morning she woke up thinking she was in a car wreck the night before and had a broken leg. This also leads to the same questions multiple times a day now. Who are we? Where is she? Why is she in a hospital bed? And the hardest one to answer is can she walk? We answer honestly and truthfully each time and the walking one always ends in tears. If we lie to that one there is fear from the hospice nurses that she might try to get out of bed and fall. Not sure she has the strength to but we do not want to take that chance. She is strong somewhat still in her upper body and can roll over if she really wants something. Then there are the questions that I do not have the heart to tell the truth to. She has asked about her mother and some of her deceased siblings asking when they were coming home or if they were out shopping. She has yet to ask if they are gone so I will not tell her they have passed. Last Monday was a terrible day. The worst she has had and she kept insisting that she was going home to Jesus that evening and her vitals were dropping. She had the nurses concerned enough they encouraged us to make the phone calls to her siblings which we did. She snapped out of it in the middle of the night and had a good day Tuesday. Wednesday was when she started not knowing who we are and has slowly and steadily declined since. Me and mom are hanging in there and everyone is fine. The horses and the chickens are doing well. Everyone but Poppet is now laying and the boys are shedding their winter coats so Spring is on its way.
In my limited experience just talking with you in some way, hearing you speak, rather than the actual content of it, is the most important thing helping her. Your voices are a comfort. She may not be able to cognitively know you and say it, but (I think) she knows you in her fibers, knows your familiar voices. The same way music bypasses the cognitive functions of the brain.
The chooks are not so friendly with me today. They come running when I have treats, and run just as fast away from me.
Nobody wants to snuggle or cuddle. I’m fortunate enough to have had Coco in the house yesterday evening.
Crazy birds! Don’t they know that I have needs too? One snuggle, one lap sit, lay an egg, anything!!! :idunno :th And then depression comes calling me! :hit
The chooks are not so friendly with me today. They come running when I have treats, and run just as fast away from me.
Nobody wants to snuggle or cuddle. I’m fortunate enough to have had Coco in the house yesterday evening.
Crazy birds! Don’t they know that I have needs too? One snuggle, one lap sit, lay an egg, anything!!! :idunno :th And then depression comes calling me! :hit
I can see the foothills of the mountains, but the high mountains are covered by clouds, dark clouds. Actually matching my feelings about this day. Dark, gloomy foreboding. It’s highly likely that I require sushi 🍱 for attitude adjustment.
I’m not going to get 🪂 altitude adjustment today! :(
Polishes are here! All right of them appear to be healthy but I’ve not really checked.
It’s a lovely afternoon here, + 61C (61f) when I was driving home. It’s a bit cooler now but still lovely.

The Grackles are back and the chooks are not too sure about them. Mr P is acting all macho macho man hahaha.

Here are more two for Tuesday pics

Two boys - Sue photo bombs them 😊

Two silkies

Two red birds

Two dirty birds

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