Happy birthday to Inky, Wendy, Honey, Poopy, Light! You are 3 years old!!

Today's dinner has tuna, egg, rice, pumpkin, live mealworms, greens. Foxy and Meimei enjoyed others birthday dinner too. :D
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I just love your ladies they are lovely ❤️
Yesterday, when I got home, I went out to check on the littles. Found the neighbor's CAT in the coop. She looked up over her shoulder at me, mmowed,, and stayed put. And got picked up by the scruff and packed over to the fence where she was unceremoniously dropped on the other side. Back to check babies (one had been out WITH the cat). All present, hale, and active. While checking on them, I found 4 eggs in a new nest....
3 more today. If someone goes broody there, she's welcome to sit. Out of sight of the others, inside the coop, may have to get creative to keep the spot available when the babies don't need the tote anymore
It’s a lovely afternoon here, + 61C (61f) when I was driving home. It’s a bit cooler now but still lovely.

The Grackles are back and the chooks are not too sure about them. Mr P is acting all macho macho man hahaha.

Here are more two for Tuesday pics

Two boys - Sue photo bombs them 😊
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Two silkies
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Two red birds
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Two dirty birds
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Great photos! Look at those two Roos looking like a matching father-son pair 🥰
Dakota is on her perch in the chickens room. She just had a steak dinner prepared with love by me. The other chooks are all on the top step of my porch, having a meeting (I interrupted by serving them steak as well) I answered all their union demands, so I don’t think they were conspiring against me this time. Sir Jaffar doesn’t know this yet, but he’s staying inside the house with Dakota for tonight too. I need him for my alarm cluck and he’s usually right on time! :love
For those of you who actually read this, I give you my deepest gratitude.

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