Tuff with Mera

Rose and Hyacinth (with Violet and either Jane or Kate)

And lil' man himself, Cheetah

For everyone watching the eclipse, enjoy
Mosquitos out here too. One landed on Calypso’s beak and she got it.
Good girl!

Tassels is still not drinking or bathing and she will now only stay off the nest for a couple of minutes when I drag her out.
Oh too bad you weren't closer I would give you some chicks of mine to raise. No one here is broody, but not sure what's up with the Silkies as Fluffy and Curly are not laying - are they moulting? or getting ready to be broody? or just getting old and not laying???? all the above???
Remember you need a special filter for the camera.
Yes and it has to be on the front of the camera not to eye piece.

Niagara Falls will not be a good place to view it I think, looks like rain and cloud today. I am going to Port Stanley instead of all the way to Point Pelee - sure hope it is indeed nice there!!!

I have everything done here, horses fed, chickens done.

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