Fly high, my banana lover
Fly high.
Quite frankly the way this child likes to argue she should be a Lawyer. Even if you point out she is wrong, she will argue until she is blue in the face that no she is right. If by some miracle she is right, omg the gloating that follows.
As funny as it all is... Imho She has to learn to compromise. Or she will never really learn
Ok, the incubator is up and running. It came up to temp and the turner is working. I was late getting it set up so if it still holds steady for 2 more hours I will set it. I also hope to have one more Poppet egg by then.
So those eggs should hatch on June 11th or 12th. Very eggciting - can’t wait to see what Poppet has ♥️
Good morning all - it’s Friday yay!!! I am so tired, up all night with my legs and back, and also coughing.

I now have two broody hens: Whiskers and Curly.

And the school chicks my niece is hatching will hatch on Wednesday the 29th. Very eggcited to see what hatches. 😊♥️

Everyone have a lovely fluffy butt Friday

Blanche butt

A baby bum

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