@WVduckchick I think you're right. I added more water yesterday when I took the chicks out and one was starting to zip when I went to bed. I left the two I'd helped in the incubator overnight. This morning 3 new chicks hatched with no problems. I moved all 5 to the brooder and candled the ladt 9 eggs (which still hadn't done anything). Two have internally pipped, 5 look normal for lock down and 2 were obvious quitters so I tossed those 2. I didn't hear any chirping or tapping so I think they won't hatch. We got 13 healthy chicks out of 27 set, 22 locked down. I think there's some kinks to work out, namely the humidity first.

Congratulations! Both for your chicks and resolving the humidity issue.

I bought a hygrometer that I can manually calibrate for future hatches because of humidity problems too. Super frustrating.

Got pics?
Thanks guys! You really make me feel like it's a success. :)

Here's pictures of the 13...


I can't wait to set more!
Still no chick under my broody, but she is sitting tight, now that I moved her. I wish I had done it sooner. Oh well. I gave her 2 eggs from the other broody girls, both cream legbar eggs, I think even if her original egg doesn’t hatch, she’ll stick it out for these 2.

And my call duck seems to have left her nest. I wonder if she knew only 2 of 13 eggs were viable, and didn’t figure it was worth sitting for.
I know less than squat about ducks but glad the broody took them
I recalled I spent like 3 or 4 days collecting eggs for the hatch that is why only two have so far

Oh penny, I laid one egg in front of her and I thought she was going to jump for joy. She gladly tucked it under her like she had been waiting for me to give her more! So I shoved another one under her too.

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