Hatch going wrong!! Humidity problems HELP!!

The membrane over her nostrils is really stuck down hard. I assumed she could breath because her mouth was open. Was that not true? Did she maybe suffocate?

Did she stop breathing for sure? Yes if the membrane dried out, then she could have suffocated with the nostrils covered.
But more than likely, something else may have been wrong to begin with.

If it's definitely not breathing, you can go ahead and pull it from the shell and take a look.
Definitely stopped breathing. I thought if her mouth was open she could breathe. I didn't even try to clear the nostrils :hit
She was panting, I just went out to feed the older chickens and water the garden, when I came back she'd died :-(
My husband doesn't want me to open the egg... he says it's too disgusting.
If I did, what would I be looking for?
I was trying not to put any water near the beak because someone told me that might drown it.

Don't beat yourself up over it. These things happen and we learn from it.

If you decide to open it up, you want to see if the yolk is absorbed fully. If it's not, pay attention to the color of it. Any deformities of the chick itself, etc.

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