Help! 3rd day with chickens ever and dog bite. 100% novice

Lots of good advice given. Just wanted to say that sometimes I find it easier to dose the amoxicillin with coconut oil, since it's not very soluble. I measure out the dose and then mix with a small bit of soft coconut oil, form into a ball (roughly) and refrigerate until firm (coconut oil is nice since it solidifies when cooled and has no strong taste or odor). Then it goes down quick and easy like a custom pill. Liverwurst works too, if the bird will take it. I would definitely do the amox. since you have puncture wounds. The anaerobic environment in a puncture wound is prime for bacteria. She may also be sore from being crushed/squeezed, so with some time will hopefully start moving better.
Morning everyone. I would like to state i weighed her on my scale and she is 2lbs 11oz....I passed out around 5am aparently my dog had to be rushed to the vent..... It has not been a good 72 hours for animals at my house.. but keeping things chickens... I woke up to the sound of her pining a glass bowl with a bunch of live meal worms in it so i know she is eating and i marked the water level in her disk (only about 2 inches of water) and it went down so food/water intake is good. the smell is still gross and i found the wound.... I think its really bad but im new to this. when i opened the dog crate she is in she was vocal again and she tried to run away from me so thats good.
so far today i managed to get some x3 antibiotic ointment, and the 1000mg amox/clav I still need a solution to wash it out. I cut away a bunch of feathers and found 3 wounds (4th on her back was just a tiny scab.) two of them had no sign of infection but the large one on her wing i can see the rot now that the feathers are gone. Did i cut enough of the feathers out of the wounded area? I didnt have good scissors so it took a lot of time
if she doesnt take the meds with a little boiled egg ill try the coconut oil plan.

side note she pooped right in front of me and its all liquid and its not normal at all... is it anything to be concerned
sidenote i grabbed my scale and it only measures out to thenths of a gram so im not sure how im going to measure this out for her. any help would be amazing. i can get it rougtly to say 0.1grams but i know its not too accurate at that low of weight....
about at this point in time since she is still taking water/food?
thank you everyone for the replies sp far
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Lots of good advice given. Just wanted to say that sometimes I find it easier to dose the amoxicillin with coconut oil, since it's not very soluble. I measure out the dose and then mix with a small bit of soft coconut oil, form into a ball (roughly) and refrigerate until firm (coconut oil is nice since it solidifies when cooled and has no strong taste or odor). Then it goes down quick and easy like a custom pill. Liverwurst works too, if the bird will take it. I would definitely do the amox. since you have puncture wounds. The anaerobic environment in a puncture wound is prime for bacteria. She may also be sore from being crushed/squeezed, so with some time will hopefully start moving better.
thank you for the good advice i posted a big update
so as of right now 11:14am. She has gotten 3x oitment on the wound but no amox yet. Still waiting on measuring advice.. I have her in her closed off run next to the coop so the other chickens can still see her...she has access to water only (shes still eating but in like 2 hours or so i want her to be hungry when i try to give her the ammox with an egg.) here are a few pictures of her run to how it is with the rest of the flock, and a shot of her walking arounds (wounded side towards
okay so almost a full day since i started this thread...... Learned a lot really fast. Thank you all so much!
I went out and got supplies for her today. I got povidone, more 3x antibiotic, gause, and everything to make her electrolytes... she wouldnt eat the egg with the ammox on it so i figured out if i take it and dissolve it in electrolyte water then use a 30 cc syringe i got she will drink a few oz of water and take all the meds on her own. just takes me about 30 min to Finnish the process! my procedure for cleaning her wound was i watered down the providone in a spray bottle until it looks like medium black tea. i then cleaned my entire sink with soap/water followed by a misting with the providone and a wipe dry. after that i put fresh gloves on and grabbed her and placed her in the sink (she tried to run so that was good) i think lifted her wing and gave it a soft spray from the mister and padded it dry with a sterile gauze. I repreated that process 2 more times then gave it a medium burst to try to push any loose infected tissue out. after that she was padded dry one more time and got a very genrous covering of ointment with a fresh gauze over the wound. its tucked up under her wing and she is not pulling it off.... I then gave her about a 3 hour break before giving her her second dose of 125mg of the ammox/electrolyte water mix...
im going to repeat this until she is healed (cleaning the wound 2.. maybe 3? times a day?)

here is a picture of the wound. I think it looks the same as yesterdays. not worse or better. sorry about the quality it kinda sucks.
Ok so at 2 lbs 7 oz she needs to be taking 109.72mg of amoxicillin twice a day. In what form is your medication? Are they are pills and you don't have an appropriate scales it may be simpler to just split pills in half/quarter etc depending on how much you need then crush them to put them on the egg. Did you say the pills contain 125mg of amox? If so, you are taking off 15 mg from each pill . Once you have given her 7 doses you will have enough 'scrapings' for another dose

It's not looking too bad but the infection needs to be sorted as soon as possible so get the amoxicillin into her. It sounds like you have cleaned it very well so now just to keep it clean and keep ointment on it to stop the skin from drying out.
she wouldnt eat the egg with the ammox on it so i figured out if i take it and dissolve it in electrolyte water then use a 30 cc syringe i got she will drink a few oz of water and take all the meds on her own. just takes me about 30 min to Finnish the process!
It can sometimes be a challenge to get medication into them.
If you have any smaller syringes - 30cc is quite large - you could direct syringe your medication into her - I like to use 1cc syringes for this.

The wound looks a bit angry - when you press on it, can you get any pus out?

Chicken pus is semi-hard. Post#1 has a good video of what pus looks like

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