HELP any one here need to loose weight

I just wanted to post back and say, it has been 9 days since starting primal eating habits and I have dropped 5 lbs, hopefully it will continue
you know i would like to lose a little as i am probley a bit big for my height, but not something i stress over

also i heard yesterday that doctors tested a gradeing scale for people that were obessie, and this test the doctors were allowed to give them a rateing ( ie, no health problems, or minor health things) and it turns out you can have a little extra and be healthy
I've been worrying about my blood sugar and possible cancer risks. I'm 24...

I went to the doctor and was diagnosed pre-diabetic. So, sugary drinks are OUT. Sugary foods? OUT. Really depressing. The first week, no sugary drinks. I gained 5 lbs. I was FURIOUS. We joined the YMCA and over the course of a week, I have lost those 5 lbs and another! So I'm up to 10 lbs. lost! WOOHOO!
imho people wanting to lose weight need to do a few different things.

- Establish a baseline of calorie intake. Measure and write down everything that you eat over a few days and then calculate the calories. Find out where you are with your current diet.
- Establish a stable eating pattern. Mid morning and Mid afternoon snacks are fine and they help stabilize the body's hunger cycles. Skipping meals is a bad thing. The body gets confused as to when the next meal might come.
- Eat in moderation. This seems to be the biggest problem for most people wanting to lose weight.
- Your body does need calories to operate so cutting back too severely can cause your body to become confused.
- Remember that there are good and bad calories. White bread, pasta, processed sugar and wheat are all bad calories. Beans tend to be good.

I lost 70 pounds several years ago on the Atkins diet. It was hard for 6 months and I didn't exercise at all. Now that I bicycle quite a bit I wish I could get mack on the regimen and see how much more I could take off.

Best wishes.
remember when loosing weight not to go below about 1500 calories a day.. if you go below that your body will go into starvation mode and retain everything.

eat your calories dont drink them.... juicing fruits is really no help... you loose a LOT of fiber when you do this and fiber fills you up.

FOLLOW your countries food guide!... in canada we have the Canada's food guide its accessible online believe it or not it helps

eliminate ALL soda.. diet and all... the sweetener used in the diet soda will actually make you crave sweets... its a double edged sword!

if you have joint issues try aquafit... if you dont like the whole class thing just go to a pool and walk back and forth in the shallow end the water is a soft resistance. if you can swim them swim!

talk to your family doc about a dietitician there may be a reason for the weight gain

buy a food scale they are under $5 and measure portions .. trust me portions are a huge shocker!

chart EVERYTHING that passes your lips this step makes you accountable there are a few great programs that have apps.. these will help you track your calories and tell you whats in each food

DRINK WATER... no tea or coffee (unless decaf) or juice.... WATER... get caffeine OUT of your diet caffeine actually reduces weight loss

cut out as much pre-processed food as you can.. there are to many hidden fats and sugars

please dont fall for the fast and easy weight loss gimmicks out there... if you want to do this without surgery its going to be slow but it can be done.. remember the weight didnt come on over night and its not going to leave fast and stay off if you do a crash diet or gimmick
Thank you for these reminders. I have been through them all. I am actually a life time member of Weight Watchers. I started with them when you could only have two slices of bread per day and you were NOT allowed to put them together to make a sandwich. That was back in the 1970's Its no mystery why I am heavy. believe me....

Its that whole charting part that gets me. Believe me I have done food diary's of sooo many varieties. And they do work. And to keep it positive they work best when you don't think of them as punitive.... but more as keeping track of your check book. like OK.... I have this much money to spend per day and this much money to spend per week. So instead of counting calories you wind up making your calorie allotment count.... same thing goes for tracking exercise..... each activity has a certain amount of calories that you burn.... and that goes for even mundane stuff like vacuuming and gardening and taking out the trash.
Thank you bakerjw . This is it really boiled down to the basics.

I love that whole Don't eat anything White philosophy. along with spreading out your food portions throughout the day.
Im also thinking that should be the way for exercise too.
OK lets see if this works Yep.... someone sent me this site and while I havent weighed in a couple of years I may just to get started The site has an extensive food database and exercise data along with tracking for each. Since I have sooo much trouble keeping a diary maybe this will help me get it started and most importantly KEEP it going.

Created by - Free Calorie Counter

I bought food yesterday to get me started. Today is the day. Thanks everyone. I may start another thread called weight loss success.

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