HELP any one here need to loose weight

I googled it and it looks like you can. It can also be ordered from Amazon. I compared the ingredients to the shakes from the program (HMR) and it was very similar in calories/sodium/vitamins etc...also it is cheaper at my grocery store (by $15) than the HMR shakes. They have alot of flavors!

, the walmart website dosnt have maybe you cant.
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You're still eating like an american.
get asain sized plates, or better yet a bento box. they hold single portions, instead of the multiple portions american plates hold, I use "normal" plates for salads only, and my small china set for meals with carbs. Bentos are easier, as you have a box to fill, once it's full, so are you. (ever see the guy at the salad bar place that makes a giant food sculpture to cram more on his plate? avoid that.)

Here's the guidelines, I use a 550ml/cal box.

Checked out the bento boxes, those are pretty neat. When we cook the stir fry, my meat portion is usually about 2-3 ounces at the most and the rest of my plate is vegetables. I don't think I could eat all the food that fits in a bento box. I think my major problem is eating one meal a day.

lol, ever held a bento box? Mine is smaller than an standard "cereal bowl", about 2 cups of food total. The thing is there's a variety packed into those 2 cups, 1/3rd rice or carb, 1/3rd veggies 1/6th meat 1/6th other (either fruit or a dipping sauce). For the nausia, have you tried candied ginger (not the candies, but ginger cooked in small amounts of sugar, it's dead easy I can tell you how to make it), I had awful morning sickness wth both boys, it really does work well. With the 1 meal a day my guess is that you're getting either too few calories, or you're doing all your eating/snacking at night, which is the worst time to eat.
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My immediate plans right now are to lose 10kg. I am going to try some of your suggestions. My main problem is eating infront of the TV... or the computer
I sometimes look and find that bar of chocolate completely gone... or the leftovers.... And I hate salads
What I am planning is to stick to a fruit/vegetable diet for now... not sure how long it will last but LOL I will see
I guess after I read responses about using chemically preserved, frozen food and milkshakes is why I don't diet, none of that sounds appealing to me, there is a lot of fabulous food on this planet I don't think was meant to be off limits. When I think of the diet industry and all the low fat food available and then all the overweight people I see using it, In my humble opinion it just doesn't work. That is why I am trying primal eating, it seems to just make sense. Did our ancestors eat milkshakes or eat instant food? My Grandparents and Great Grandparents ate full fat food and were as thin as rails, they did not have high blood pressure nor many of the common ailments we are suffering today. JMHO

This hits a sore spot in my heart because I have many girlfriends who slave over weight loss, one is bulimic, my best friend has medical issues from trying so many diet pills, my mother in law has a heart problem from a prescription diet pill she took years ago when they were first coming out. I refuse to be a slave to this industry. We were meant to eat REAL food.
I am overweight, but I just had all my yearly blood work done and the Dr. was amazed at my low blood pressure and good cholesterol and no pre-markers of diabetes etc.
So I believe this way of eating is working. That being said being off most gluten and dairy because of allergies (not mine but my childs) is the biggest contributor, I am trying to follow the guidelines of primal and completely eliminate all grains and sugar to hopefully knock out some of this weight.

I hope I don't offend anyone with my opinion of diets
For us it is about portion control. For some reason (I'm sure a deep seated psychological defect) I can't cook two portions small enough and if it's cooked we don't have the will power to not eat it.

I think I mentioned somewhere in this thread losing a hundred pounds mostly from eating Lean Cuisine for dinner. IMO, it's not as unhealthy as being a hundred pounds overweight.

I will not give up bread, white rice and pasta until it or something else kills me.
KenK I completely understand, my Dad loves lean cuisine rice bowls, he eats 3-4 a week, it is a matter of convenience and portion for him also. I just worry about all the "extra" ingredients that are in them. And for many that is a HUGE improvement over what they have been eating. I agree if they work for you and you are within healthy ranges for your blood and body then by all mean keep eating them, if you are still having to use medicine to keep those in check if it was me I would continue searching for what works for your body. I am no means an expert just offering my opinion. I learned a lot when food allergies came into play in our life, before I did not care that most food dyes are a leftover petroleum by product or that grains are being genetically altered as never before, I saw the reactions it brought out in my child and I knew there had to be a better way and I have been trying since.
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NO offense at all. I think we all should take a moment and look at all the other stuff that is in our foods besides food. Somewhere back in the seventies I read a report that Americans eat so many preservatives that when we die it takes much much longer for us to decompose. Kind of a prophetic article for sure, and rather upsetting.

There was one program that I paid for from an infomercial. He spoke about precisely what you are talking about. Especially those items you posted on your enumerated list.

This fellow was almost five hundred pounds and had been on every diet imaginable. was even friends with Dr Atkins. Who actually yelled at him for not loosing weight.
So he did a lot of research and came up with his own plan and it worked. It was pretty much like a paleo diet along with those ten items listed.
Checked out the bento boxes, those are pretty neat. When we cook the stir fry, my meat portion is usually about 2-3 ounces at the most and the rest of my plate is vegetables. I don't think I could eat all the food that fits in a bento box. I think my major problem is eating one meal a day.

lol, ever held a bento box? Mine is smaller than an standard "cereal bowl", about 2 cups of food total. The thing is there's a variety packed into those 2 cups, 1/3rd rice or carb, 1/3rd veggies 1/6th meat 1/6th other (either fruit or a dipping sauce). For the nausia, have you tried candied ginger (not the candies, but ginger cooked in small amounts of sugar, it's dead easy I can tell you how to make it), I had awful morning sickness wth both boys, it really does work well. With the 1 meal a day my guess is that you're getting either too few calories, or you're doing all your eating/snacking at night, which is the worst time to eat.

Yes, I would love to know how to make it. Last night for supper my total calories was 370. No, I've never held a bento box, but they didn't look too small, but pics are deceiving.
I don't snack a lot. Every once in awhile I'll get a craving for something sweet and a few bites is all I need. I got morning sickness with my first child, and he is 16 now. I have done this for 16 years! Dr.'s just look at me like I'm crazy. Me getting sick every morning has destroyed my teeth. It's costing me $3000 to get them fixed.
I've been stuck at 6'2" and 185 lbs since high school. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm getting tired of people calling me skinny.

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