Help!! Chicken with sprained or broken neck!! Help!!!

At this point, I'm not sure I would... In the past, I have tried to "fix" chickens (and other animals) that are injured or ill. Some worked, others I ended up just causing them needless pain and discomfort. I can't do it anymore. I hate seeing them suffer. I will give a chicken a few days, but without any improvement, I am likely going to put it down. In my opinion, and not to knock those who have the knowledge to do more than I can, it's just not fair to the animal to make it linger. Especially if it seems terminal.

It’s difficukt to accept but there has to come a point when either natural selection Or just mother’s nature takes it’s turn at deciding fate...the difficulty for Most is identifying when human intervention is prolonging pain and suffering ..our job as CHicken keeper should be doing what’s best for the chicken..even if that means letting them go.
Yes. I hung onto my first sick chicken too long and felt guilty afterward. She had a second suprelorin implant and died a few days later. I should have had her euthanized instead of having the implant done. But this thread is about Brownie.

In this case, I thought Brownie seemed to be showing improvement and deserves a chance since Kailey is willing to tend to him. I hope he’s doing OK and hope to hear from Kailey when she gets home.
Tube feeding went great!! Couldn't have gone smoother!! The vid did not work, but I got 10ml of food in him. Not a lot, but that was the only size I had, and I ran out of food. Did you watch my channel, "Kailey the Animal Lover"?? It has all of my vids. I fed him a mix of puree carrots, nutri drench, and egg yolks. HIS crop was TOATALLY EMPTY... gave him a bunch of water before, too.
I would stick with ground chicken feed with a lot of water, or try some KayTee baby bird feed. A balanced feed will contain everything he needs.

With the aquarium tubing, it will be harder to push thick food through the tubing, but if you can locate a correct size feeding tube from and vet or online, it will be easier. Casportpony knows the best size tubes for chickens, and may have an online source for them.

Try offering a bit of egg that he can peck at. Some use baby food, but the chicken feed has all he needs. Keep up the good work.
I am feeding him carrot puree because I did not want to give him too much protein, but still give him enough food to feel full. I also put nutri drench in it. For vitamins. I tube fed him 25ml of food thismorning, and will give him more tonight. Should i start physical theraapy yet?? Dad is pestering me about it, and demands awnsers

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