They're both non-venomous, so no matter , no worries. Just protect your girls, a snake from North America is most likely after EGGS!! Now if you live near the Everglades, a Burmese Python will be a problem. Another INVASIVE species we brought here.....
Haha NO NO you can keep them all!

We have ticks but they aren’t out of control (in my province). I have no idea what a chigger is and we have wasps & spiders. Most of the spiders are also harmless. I think we have the odd Brown Recluse that have snuck their way up here on produce trucks but very very rare to see 1.

I believe we have those 2 species but they are in the more south,east provinces. Or bordering the US border.

I rather like walking around the forest not worrying about the creepy crawlers killing me Thank You!

No idea what a chigger is!?!

You’re missing out!

They’re the cuddliest little bug ever.

Everyone that encounters them can’t stop talking about them... I myself enjoy them so much that here lately I’ve been getting into them every chance I get.

When you get me that address, I’ll hook you up with enough chiggers that you can share them with friends, family, and neighbors. That is if you want to, you might just want keep ‘em all to yourself... I won’t tell ;)
No idea what a chigger is!?!

You’re missing out!

They’re the cuddliest little bug ever.

Everyone that encounters them can’t stop talking about them... I myself enjoy them so much that here lately I’ve been getting into them every chance I get.

When you get me that address, I’ll hook you up with enough chiggers that you can share them with friends, family, and neighbors. That is if you want to, you might just want keep ‘em all to yourself... I won’t tell ;)

Oh man your going to make me look it up aren’t you. Pretty sure I still don’t want them!
Another option not listed based on apparent large size of eyes and the animal's gracile build. It is a critter that moves much faster than the otherwise similar Black Rat Snake. It also climbs less than the Black Rat Snake.
Another option not listed based on apparent large size of eyes and the animal's gracile build. It is a critter that moves much faster than the otherwise similar Black Rat Snake. It also climbs less than the Black Rat Snake.

Yes , you’re very smart ... now what is the name of this critter that you are begging us to ask you about?

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