We have Black Rat Snakes in good numbers. We also have a fair number of Osage Copperheads. The Rat Snakes eat some but not all.

This one we caught last night. Daughter wanted to know if it was a boy or girl.

Do they have rat snakes in Florida?

Yes, lots. Lots of Florida-unique variants. Florida is subtropical across the entire state and tropical at the southernmost tip, so it creates lots of variation from species common to temperate parts of the US.

Where I am in far north Florida, there’s a variant of the grey rat snake called the white oak snake. Its a grey rat snake that keeps it juvenile coloration its entire life. They regularly get around 8 feet here.
I live in Ireland so it's cold and it was at a fair I'd love to see a large one like a pet one
That's where they have the myth about Saint Patrick shooing away all the snakes!
I'm glad that the only poisonous snake around here is incredibly rare, and feel blessed to see the occasional garter snake slithering in the grass. We have many snakes in Wisconsin, but most are fairly non-threatening.
Instead of relocating it, which is rather cruel, simply get a garden tool, and shoo it away every time you see it in the coop. After a few times, it should stay away.
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Relocating a rat snake to essentially the same habitat minus the chicken eggs is hardly cruel and "shoo it away" doesn't work at all in my experience.

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