He's Out! Mubarak is OUT!

Much too soon to tell what, if anything, his departure means. It's still the regime that he put into place.

Further, just because you have a revolution it is no guarantee that things will get better. Some do, many go disastrously wrong.

Wait and watch.
A.T. Hagan :

Much too soon to tell what, if anything, his departure means. It's still the regime that he put into place.

Further, just because you have a revolution it is no guarantee that things will get better. Some do, many go disastrously wrong.

Wait and watch.

See every the French Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution, Chinese, etc. Didn't work out too well. Here's hoping that the Egyptians break the trend!

Go on, Mubarak, crawl away like the leech you are! Whether this revolution turns out well or not, it's gratifying to see a parasite get crushed.​
"Isn't baklava Greek?"

All those countries have a lot of menu items they share.

Besides - Greece, Egypt, who cares, just give me a piece of baklava and I'll say it's from anywhere you want!

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