I Almost Got Arrested!!! *Very long story*

Dont worry one bit!

You had a witness, and even if you had got in trouble, its not worth letting that guy beat up on you! You had to defend yourself, god knows what he could've had on him as far as weapons go. He could have seriously hurt or killed you if you had just stood there and done nothing!

Dont worry about the rude cop. Just take the knowledge of knowing that you are a better person than he is, in that you didnt drop down to his level.

Im so sorry that this happened to you
Lots of hugs from me.

Dont worry, it can only get better from here. Its in the past, and its already over

I think the third cop got a racial issue against you if you are a young black man (if that is your pic on the avator) and it's a bad stereotype that is wanting to be forgiven and forgotten. That cop ought to be fired for using that kind of comment!

I am proud of you what you did in your situation and Ms Eve to eyewitness you. If the cops would have smelled that guy's breath, surely, it would be in your favor because he was simply drunk.

Next time you take your garbage out, have dear Ms Eve to look out for you! Bless her heart for her presence!
I am so sorry that happened to you. I cannot tell you how many stupid things drunken college students do around here. Alcohol can bring out the worst in many.

At the time it happened, I am sure that it was extremely stressful and you were running on adrenaline at that point. You reacted in the way that you felt you needed to in order to defend yourself from an unpredictable violent man. Of course restraining him would have been better, but you were the one actually there in that situation and the only one able to make that call. You did what you had to do, lay off of yourself.

Wow, so sorry this happened...

It seems you did everything in your power to avoid the conflict but that drunk man just wasn't quitting!

I think you did the right thing for defending yourself, wish I could give him a big
on your behalf as well!

So glad you have someone like Ms Eve next door! Hope the guy gets what he deserves...

ok, had to put a few more for the road...
Mark, you are such a sweetheart... I can't imagine you dorking someone in the nose unless he really needed it...good heavens... all that with a recently scoped urinary tract.....
I wish I could say something that would make everything OK for you again... you have had a pretty rough road recently. You make me proud of the next generation... Hang in there. We love ya!
Thanks everyone

it's just crazy how something like this can happen out the blue ... it just goes to show you must always be ready for whatever ... even taking the trash out

i am so glad this is over with and out the way


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