I can't control my rooster and he is drawing blood


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Near STL mo
I love my mr. ida and he is great, but when I went down to close the pen, he like attacked me three times and more, and drew blood. He is a beautiful rooster but I am thinking about letting him free range, because he is mean to me. I have done nothing but be nice to him, but he has allways been distant and kinda mean. Tonight was it , I couldn't stop him from attacking me, he just kept going after me and not letting up, until I got out of the pen. Let me know what you all think? He is probably mean enough to make it out on his own. Please help and I am not turning him upside down, because its not going to happen.
you will have to dominate him.. i's inevitable.. if you free range him it means you can never leave your house for fear of attack, yes they can be that vicious!!! Better beware if you have kids, they are roo targets as well........
I think you can't be nice to animals and expect them to understand that means they need to be nice to you. Animals understand dominance and respect. You have to show him that you are alpha over him and make sure he respects you. By attacking you, he is trying (and succeeding) to tell you he is dominant over you. If he attacks you and you back away, he has proven that he is alpha, and he will continue to dominate you. So - you need to play him at his own game. Take a dominant stance, make yourself look as big as possible and stamp towards him. Make him be the one who gives in and backs away from you. Once you have proved to him that you are alpha, you will gain his respect and have no more trouble with him. He may periodically try you to see if he can dominate you again, but repeat the behavior and he'll quickly learn that you are still dominant.
He needs to realize that you are the boss, talk about biting the hand that feeds!!
I have had that happen to me before too.
The next time I went into the pen armed with a short squared shovel/spade and when he came at me, I let him have it!
It didn't hurt him, only kinda stunned him a bit, but you can bet he made sure to NOT be in my personal space ever again.
Wear heavy denim pants and boots. When he comes at you kick him with the side of your foot with enough force to lift him off the ground and send him sailing 6 - 8'. Each time he comes at you kick him. It might break him. Free ranging won't change his behavior. He will try to stay with "his" hens. He sees himself as protector of the flock.
If he starts, try to catch him and hold him firmly. Don't let him down if he struggles or let him peck you. Carry him around with you while you do chores or whatever. When he's given up struggling and gets calm, then you can let him down when you decide. Then chase him around the yard. This shows him you are dominant and not to be messed with. Do this every day, whenever you have a few minutes. Even if he's not trying to attack, grab him randomly, carry him around, and then start chasing him about. If he starts trying to mate with a hen, shove him off and chase him around. Shove him with your foot. Keep doing this till he gets the picture that YOU are dominant roo. You don't need to hurt him, just get a bit rough-housey. It's rooster speak. Bullies of any sort don't normally give up till they meet their match and part of a roo's job is to be a bully, pretty much.

If that doesn't work, give him a good dunk in a rain barrel after an attack.

If THAT doesn't work...well, a severely aggressive roo is dangerous, and can really maim you or a child. They are only good for a stew pot. If you can't do that to him, try to give him away and be responsible and let whoever takes him know that he's an aggressive roo so you don't send him off to hurt somebody else.

The good news is that the above tactics will probably work. So give them a try.
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He is showing his dominance over you. You have to regain the dominance over him. Go down to the pen. When he comes at you give him a swift boot to the chest. When he comes back, stand your ground and boot him again. Chickens naturally fight with their feet so you have to fight back with your feet. If you use a rake or something then he will only learn to respect it and not you. Most roosters can be broken, some are just more stubborn then others. Once you establish dominance over him and he backs down then he should be fine for about 3 to 4 months. Each time he comes at you give him a boot. If by some slim chance he doesn't give in to you then it is time to send him to the pot. We have 16 full size roosters and a few we had to break but I do not have any fear about my wife going into any of the pens. Most of our roos have become little lovers.
If you mean by free range, you are going to drive out to a state forest and release him, don't. At best, he will be horribly killed by a predator. At worst, he will come across humans that he attacks or passes domestic fowl diseases to wild fowl. Chickens are social animals, and exile is worse than death really. It is your responsibility to humanely kill this rooster (or pay someone to do it). Once an animal draws blood, whether it has a name or not, it has to be put down.

You can try some things first, since it is you being attacked. I don't think fighting back will work long term. Carrying the rooster for a long period of time (30-60 min.) has worked. You can also try having grains on hand. When the rooster starts acting aggressive, throw corn in front of him. After awhile, he will associate you with whole grain goodies.

There are lots of roosters available for adoption, no reason to keep a vicious one.
I do and and I will but he just kept coming on me. It is kinda a small pen but I don't think he should do this. I have never shown any kinda fear for him and I will kick him but I fear of hurting him and the others. My chickens are precious to me including him.

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