I Want a Big Metal Sculpture of a Chicken for My Coop


9 Years
Jan 27, 2010
I'm only being half-facetious in posting this thread, as DH said he would pay for a metal sculpture of a chicken as "yard art" for my coop.

I made the mistake of searching "metal chicken sculpture" on Google, and now I can't decide between my three favorites. What do you think?

This one is 15 feet tall and weighs 7500lbs, constructed from landfill compactor steel, a trenching machine, a road grader, and some tin roof. It's in Key West, so the shipping cost to get it to me would be murder:


This one's smaller (only 13 feet tall) and is made of really cool old chrome car bumpers. It's nearly as far away -- Alabama:


And I guess this one of stainless steel and bronze in Australia is totally out of the question cost-wise:


Okay, all kidding aside, has anyone ever made a metal chicken sculpture of ANY size? How would I find a metal sculpture artist who could use recycled materials to fashion my very own yard-art chicken?

You KNOW you want one...
Yes, I WANT ONE!! I really love the first one you posted, but it's a little too big for me. But I guess I could drive down to Key West to pick it up - - - - nah - Maybe I'll build my own some day. Old shovel heads, rake heads, etc might work. And lots of outdoor rustoleum paint!! I do have a welder - some old rebar - old steel tool pieces - and 24 hours every day - - -
Ha, ha -- thanks for that most entertaining story and another possible to add to my wish list.

The five-foot chicken at the front door was priceless.

I really love those! I grew up very near Fruita, Colorado, home of Mike the Headless Chicken, and a while back they had a local sculpter make a statue of him. He made it all out of rusty parts...very cool!!
I saw a place off I-20W just as you cross over into Alabama. Next to a fireworks stand. He had fun BIG (6 ft I'm guessing and smaller) metal sculpture roosters.

I would have stopped but

#1- my kids were not in the mood for one of my "chicken capers"
#2 the van was already full!
#3 - I didn't have any money to "invest"

One of these days...
I've been searching for a recycled metal rooster which I've seen in the past. I may end up going with a cast stone rooster though since the metal ones tend to be pricey! Since I don't have a real rooster this guy will guard our walk in run.

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