Is this duck okay?

That looks like the location of the preen gland. It's hard to see it well.

@Miss Lydia could be into something with the overmating. Before I got my duck she was overmated so much she was missing many tail and wing feathers. She was also rather bloody. Often with overmating they will be missing feathers on the neck where there drakes hold on, are you seeing that?
I really don't see any signs of feathers missing anywhere except the tail feathers.
Yep leave her in your tub for now . Looks like from the pic you put up her wound isn’t in the middle of her body? Where body an tail meetView attachment 2482727my drakes preen glandView attachment 2482724
Yep leave her in your tub for now . Looks like from the pic you put up her wound isn’t in the middle of her body? Where body an tail meetView attachment 2482727my drakes preen glandView attachment 2482724
It is about where I drew a blue circle on her in this pic.


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It would make some sense because there are definitely 2x as many drakes at that park as hens. But I don't really see any other feathers missing on the neck or anywhere else.
Keep her if you can,no one will miss her and she’ll be safe there. If I still lived in Fla I’d be out rescuing muscovy they are treated so badly. Hopefully you’ll get her wings clipped where she’ll stay put. @SolarDuck is just adopted a duck that is in need of some help too maybe she can guide you on what she’s doing for Pom
Pom. Im glad to hear she’s eating now. And if you can find some poultry Nutri drench to put in her water that will help her too.
Id try some warm salty water it can be plain salt or epsom salt plain not fragrance. Mix 1/4 cup into a quart of warm water an just pour over the wound. Best V would be to let her soak in the tub but now that you have it set up for sleeping wait till tomorrow. Does her poop look pretty normal?
She’s either got an injury there or just an infected pred gland from what I couldn’t say also warm salt water compresses would help depending on if you can do any of this safely. Wrapping her in a towel would be good to keep her wings close to her body just b keep her bottom half out. So you can treat
Okay I just ordered some poultry nutri-drench it should be here next week. I'll start with salt water treatments tomorrow but BOY is this gonna be difficult. She wants nothing to do with me she goes crazy trying to flap when I grab her but I will do what I can!
Keep her if you can,no one will miss her and she’ll be safe there. If I still lived in Fla I’d be out rescuing muscovy they are treated so badly. Hopefully you’ll get her wings clipped where she’ll stay put. @SolarDuck is just adopted a duck that is in need of some help too maybe she can guide you on what she’s doing for Pom
Pom. Im glad to hear she’s eating now. And if you can find some poultry Nutri drench to put in her water that will help her too.
I would love to keep her honestly but I am not sure if I will have the space. If my other girl who flew away this morning doesn't come back then there's probably a pretty good chance I will keep her. I've been hanging at the park with her and her sister since they were ducklings, and the first time I saw them was actually only a couple days after I found my Penguin there so theres a pretty good chance they are actually sisters.

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