I believe my hatch is finished now. My totals are
12/16 chickens that made it to lockdown
14/29 quail but I’ll have to check fertility/non-starters tomorrow

I know I had 1 chicken & at least 3 quail dis after pip & I’ll check all remaining eggs tomorrow.
I also have to figure out how many I had hatch from shipped eggs… I kinda forgot how many i had going into lockdown from my flock & shipped 😅

All of the quail eggs were mine but from a young covey just coming into lay with only 1 active rooster.
I have two dozen Nankin bantam eggs under a pair of broody bantams. One's a Buff Cochin with ten under her. The other is a bantam EE with the rest all tucked up underneath. The eggs were shipped, but the Post Office "lost" them for a bit. They came in a damaged box, four days late in 90 degree heat, so I'm not sure how many, if any, will hatch. Both have taken to their duties so seriously that they won't let me in to candle without seriously stressing. They're both first-time mamas, so I'm afraid to force them off or "steal" their egglets. It wouldn't be the first time I've had a new broody break over a disturbance. So far, so good, though. Gem, the Cochin, is just going into week three. Summer's clutch is a few days behind Gem's. Fingers crossed that we'll have some June babies, soon!
:fl :fl :fl
I’ve got 3 dozen coturnix eggs in my other incubator due to hatch 6/22 😂😂

Congratulations! They’re adorable I want seramas so bad but hubs said no more chickens till later this summer.

I believe my hatch is finished now. My totals are
12/16 chickens that made it to lockdown
14/29 quail but I’ll have to check fertility/non-starters tomorrow

I know I had 1 chicken & at least 3 quail dis after pip & I’ll check all remaining eggs tomorrow.

ETA- of the chicken eggs 6 hatched from my flock & 6 were shipped cross country from Sacramento, CA to Alabama
Sacramento?? That’s where I live! What did you get?
Well I candled the eggs tonight that I set on Friday to see how things were looking. All but 3 of the shipped eggs were no go. There were a couple death rings, eggs with bubbles, sloshy dark yolks that appeared to be scrambled…and my home grown eggs two were infertile! So at this point I have 3 ODs of mine developing, 1 spangled OEGB developing, and 1 crele OEGB and one OD shipped egg that are still questionable so I didn’t cull them but I’m not real hopeful!
Well I candled the eggs tonight that I set on Friday to see how things were looking. All but 3 of the shipped eggs were no go. There were a couple death rings, eggs with bubbles, sloshy dark yolks that appeared to be scrambled…and my home grown eggs two were infertile! So at this point I have 3 ODs of mine developing, 1 spangled OEGB developing, and 1 crele OEGB and one OD shipped egg that are still questionable so I didn’t cull them but I’m not real hopeful!
sorry for the poor results so far. I hope the rest of the eggs all do amazing!

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