March 2023 hatch-a-long

She worked it for the camera as a little chick! Definitely some sass on that one. I already want more of them lol. This hatch is mostly Orpington’s though couple marans, Ameraucana, EE and brahmas. Trying out different breeds to see what we love. They are like Pokémon though I want them all.
lmao I keep saying, the reason I want so many chicken breeds and colors is because I played too much Pokémon as a kid 🤪
Oh! So that’s why I gotta hatch ‘em all!
What a relief to finally have a diagnosis 😅
(I still play Pokémon occasionally :oops:)

My single egg hatched, but I haven’t taken any pictures. Too busy with sheep drama.
Here’s a lamb pic since I didn’t take a chick pic for you guys 🥰
I am going to try to move my broody over, will most a pic,. She is in a shared big nest box with no divider and her and 2 of my other girls use it. They all only use one side of it. Well one of them just went to the other side no problem. My other girl refused and was just standing on my broody pecking at her today until she finally got up. That girl lays every other day so my broody is safe for tomorrow. So think I will try to shift her over to the other side tomorrow night and candle the eggs, day 3 to see how they are doing. Hopefully she stays there where technically it is the same box

The red circle is where my broody is. The green is where I want to move her to. I put up a curtain between then today hoping to discourage the other hen from laying there... It didn't work.


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The ones I had in the incubator ended up not being fertile ( was hoping for one or two but evidently the cockerel wasn't up to the task yet when I had to get rid of him due to crowing (he had a beautiful song too, ordinances are so unjust)). Now I'm left lurking and living vicariously through others hatch stories and pictures. I could get fertile eggs but BF wants me to take a year off new chickens. Sigh.

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