May trade for a new horse thoughts please?

The only thing i'm getting from the video is:

He performs much better for the second rider than the first, not that he appears difficult for either
He seems quite forward, not saying that's a good or bad thing, and if he's TW it's to be expected
I'd want to see him in a trail setting if he is forward in an indoor arena
At this point, if you're interested, you're just going to have to go see the horse. 5 minutes in person is worth a million pictures and videos and "online opinions". You still seem to be dragging your feet on going to see him? You finally found a horse that appears to be the right size, the right price, and not a total whacko according to the video. You've had someone go out to see him in person, they had a great opinion of both him and the've gotten videos of it. You are not going to get 20 minute long high quality videos for a $750 craigslist horse. $20,000 hunter pony, yes. The video showed the basics. Nice horse, not crazy, saddle broke. Tolerated "newbie" rider he had never met before. What is "forward" to one person is eager and interested to another. What is friendly to one person is pushy and disrespectful to another. You really just need to see this horse yourself.

Quite honestly, the seller has gone above and beyond to fulfill your requests....she hauled the horse to an indoor arena for a test ride, attempted to send videos, has spoken with you multiple times........and yet you are still "on the fence"? Either you are interested in buying a horse and don't think he is the rightone, or you are interested in "shopping for a horse" without ever actually following through with the sale?

I am surprised he hasn't been snatched up by someone else during this time. I would have been in the truck and on my way as soon as I got a good report about him...if I was really interested in buying a horse.
If you don't get Buddy, I plan to raise the funds to do so.

E, knowing this, I hope you can come to a decision so that if you decide no, then SC can go ahead and make arrangements to get this fellow. He seems too good to dither over. Either of the 2 of you will give him a good home but you cannot be sure about someone else who may come along and snap him up. It IS the time of year that horses get sold as gifts, so there is significant pressure to make a decision.


Your right she has and me and the owner have already have an arranged date since this last weekend for me to come over and she is waiting for me. I just finally was able to see the video and wanted to see what you all thought of the video.

@ babyblue the owner says he is Tenessee Walker

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From everything I've seen about this horse, personally I'd be taking the trailer and seeing him in person, with the cash in my pocket to buy him that day! $750 is a steal for a horse with his qualities and he seems perfect for you. Worst case scenario, you buy him and find out he is not right for you, but it does not seem like you'd have any trouble re-selling him.
The seller is in the first video mounting. She's only 5'5", so she has a little harder time getting up. She was riding him in the round pen but there is more video of her riding in the arena that shows much more movement and ground covering walk.

2nd video is me with the helmet. Yes - I wear a helmet. Didn't really feel that I needed it with him but I worked in rehab where I witnessed lots of people with brain injuries learning to walk, talk, and eat, so I just make it a policy to wear one.

I had an easier time getting up at 5'8" even though the stirups were a little shorter than I would take.

He does have head and front end movement because he is a TWH. That movement is what causes the gaited horse to be so comfy to ride. My spotted saddle horse had a lot of head movement. My 17 yr old TWH much less like this big guy.

I will tell you Terina, if you buy him and he doesn't work out I will sign a contract that states I will buy him from you if he doesn't work out for you. I've been feeling like I hope you don't buy him because I REALLY would LOVE to have him.
Hi Terina -

I'm forwarding this great gated horse site to you for great information on gates, saddle fitting for gated horses (you need to make sure you leave more space for movement in the shoulders).

Great site for purchasing items as well. I loved their Imus Comfort bit, and the Ride n Tie, saddle, books, and on and on.

The forum is great as well. You could post video's and the experts will chime in and tell you what kind of gate your horse is doing.

Forum/Message board here:

seller said that Buddy will go into a pace when not wearing shoes in front. Pacing is bad for long-term soundness.

See info here:

first girl Kitty paced and then step-paced which was very comfortable for me but not good for her. I did a lot of work with her to walk/run walk.

You should check around for a trainer that is familiar with gated horses because they are totally different then trotters.

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