Most humane way to put a chick down?

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Here's what I have found that works for me that unfortunately I've had to do on both chicks and an adult birds that were suffering and I don't really think there is any humane way when it comes to killing any living
thing.What I do is take ether and spray it on a cloth or old rag then
get a baggy like a ziplock sandwich bag put the rag in it then put it
over the chick or adult bird and within 30 seconds they just fall asleep
there is no kicking or struggle they just close there eyes and within a
minute they stop breathing,believe me if there was a struggle I would
not continue to do it this way.To me using plyers or shears is not something I am comfortable doing,you have to do what works for you but also what you feel is the most humane thing possible for your animal.
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Here's what I have found that works for me that unfortunately I've had to do on both chicks and an adult birds that were suffering and I don't really think there is any humane way when it comes to killing any living
thing.What I do is take ether and spray it on a cloth or old rag then
get a baggy like a ziplock sandwich bag put the rag in it then put it
over the chick or adult bird and within 30 seconds they just fall asleep
there is no kicking or struggle they just close there eyes and within a
minute they stop breathing,believe me if there was a struggle I would
not continue to do it this way.To me using plyers or shears is not something I am comfortable doing,you have to do what works for you but also what you feel is the most humane thing possible for your animal.
where/how do you buy ether?
I have two mean roosters Ive kept for 3 years. I catch them by grabbing them by the comb and as soon as i pick them up they stop trying to attack.
If blood isn't your forte, place the chick in a covered deep Tupperware plastic container and place in the freezer. 30 mins at less than freezing is sufficient.
That sounds unhumane. Anyone else have opinions?

I think it sounds like a horrible way to die.
Freeze, car exhaust....omg. Never! An ax sounds most humane to me. Or the bb gun but I only have a shot gun and .38. You'd blow the poor thing appart. I am glad that for most of us it is not eqsy to kill because for too many people it seems to be like changing socks.
I think many are confusing killing an animal humanely with killing an animal in a way that is not messy and offensive to the soft hearted person tasked with the killing. To me humane means death as instantly and painlessly as possible which I believe severing the head or an air gun shot to the head to be the fastest though obviously a little bloody. Freezing, drowning, gassing with exhaust or ether I believe will all take time and cause the animal to struggle for life. Kill them however you like but just because it is easier on your eyes doesn't mean it is easier on the chick.
I think many are confusing killing an animal humanely with killing an animal in a way that is not messy and offensive to the soft hearted person tasked with the killing. To me humane means death as instantly and painlessly as possible which I believe severing the head or an air gun shot to the head to be the fastest though obviously a little bloody. Freezing, drowning, gassing with exhaust or ether I believe will all take time and cause the animal to struggle for life. Kill them however you like but just because it is easier on your eyes doesn't mean it is easier on the chick.
You took the words right out of my mouth. If your going to own animals suck it up. Sooner or later you'll have to slaughter. Sharpen the ax. Build a cone if you must. Use a sword.....whatever is swift and sharp.
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