My first incubation of runner duck eggs


May 8, 2017
I am trying to incubate 3 runner duck eggs. I started with 7, but the incubator I have bought is way too small and I couldn't place the eggs into laying position, so I could turn them. I tried turning them by tilting the whole incubator as much as I could for the first week. By then I started taking away eggs that were not developing (and I accidentally killed one because it showed no movement and development). I ended up with 3 eggs that have been developing the whole time. The only problem is, they have different sized air sacks, one doesn't seem to have air pocket large enough (somewhere around 21 day size), so I'll keep an eye on it when it starts pipping.

Today is the 28th day of the incubation and one of the eggs just externally pipped! Now there's no movement, sound or further breaking of the shell. I guess it's sleeping. This one has a nice and large air sack. It did not break the shell completely yet, but it's cracked inside the air sack.

I hope they hatch!
She is still fighting! I thought she won't make it, because it did not look like zipping, because of randomly selected holes. Well they were not that randomly selected. She almost got 3/4 of the top cracked! It is taking time, but I'm sure she will make it. She is also starting to call me. Peep peeeeep! Go go ducky!
She is still fighting! I thought she won't make it, because it did not look like zipping, because of randomly selected holes. Well they were not that randomly selected. She almost got 3/4 of the top cracked! It is taking time, but I'm sure she will make it. She is also starting to call me. Peep peeeeep! Go go ducky!
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jumpy.gif Go Ducky Go!
She (I hope) is hatched! She demands to go into my palm. She has 33°C under the lamp, Hope it's OK. When it dries up, I'll make it 30°C.


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