My Flock Journey

Hazel is 2 months and 1 day old today! :love
Another one of my Purebred Black Australorps has died last night. Fround it this morning. I called the breeder as I had 3 breeds and only 1 breed has died.
The breeder replaced the 2 chicks with new chicks. Same age and same hatching date. At the moment they are ok with the others. 20180811_161817.jpg
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I'm so sorry to hear you are loosing some of your chicks :hitI hope you can work out what is going on. What is their poo like? And sad on the dog getting your big girls too. I get where you are though, I know that I will loose chicks / chickens over time but I feel that free ranging is such a lovely way for them to live that I think it is worth the risks. I recently lost a 5 weeks old chick - just dissapeared - no trace / feathers etc. I think probably a hawk.

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