My Geese love their Hay

They all love the rope. This morning the largest female buff Brunhilde was tugging on it and backing up while holding the end. Our youngest Pyr runs up and grabs the rope too. i can tie lettuce heads to it, broccoli, and other treats. Makes for apple bobbing in mid air lol

Originally Posted by aoxa

That sounds like so much fun
Any cute pictures of that to share?

She is so funny, yesterday i went looking for bells, couldn't find any here in our small town other than cheap plastic things, so I'll have to wait on the bells, well I saw a thick cotton dog tug toy with a handle with thick plastic brought it home hung it on the fence, she eyed it right away, walked over took a look walked away like she was thinking okay what else can I get into. She is just too cute, I was inside cleaning their stall, I could hear her talking so I started saying wheres Missy wheres mamas baby, next thing I know she's standing outside the door looking at me like okay here I am whats for snack. { wish she'd let me hug her}

UPDATE I found bells in my own Christmas stash, yep I have made her a toy out of bells, went and hung it outside and played with it so it would make the jingles and she just looked at it a waddled off.
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I saw this thread yesterday and had to go to my feed store anyway. I asked about hay. They don't sell it, most of the feed stores don't as it is grown locally. I spoke with the store owner about timothy hay and he could not think of anywhere around here that I could even call to see if they had any. He's been here for decades so I'm pretty sure that I won't find it. He said what most people grow is mixed grass, bermuda or bahia.

Would any of these be okay for my geese?

I am currently growing wheat fodder for them and they and the ducks and chickens really enjoy it. I just figured a bale of hay would offer more greens than I can produce in fodder daily. I am down to 3 Africans now and will be down to 2 by Christmas so I am not going to need a ton of greens.

I saw this thread yesterday and had to go to my feed store anyway. I asked about hay. They don't sell it, most of the feed stores don't as it is grown locally. I spoke with the store owner about timothy hay and he could not think of anywhere around here that I could even call to see if they had any. He's been here for decades so I'm pretty sure that I won't find it. He said what most people grow is mixed grass, bermuda or bahia.

Would any of these be okay for my geese?

I am currently growing wheat fodder for them and they and the ducks and chickens really enjoy it. I just figured a bale of hay would offer more greens than I can produce in fodder daily. I am down to 3 Africans now and will be down to 2 by Christmas so I am not going to need a ton of greens.

Mixed grass is what your geese are eating when they graze... It's fine. In my op ion the closer to what they chose to eat fresh the better they like the hay.

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