Office Work.......

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Thank goodness for you guys. Imagine what that kid would turn into if left to her.

We already think he is going to have learning issues. He has a slightly lazy eye, and quite often will stare at you like he totally doesn't understand.
I'd get another lecture on making things worse

I think I'll try telling her it's all practice for America's Got Talent. She loves that show and talks all the time about auditioning. A pipe dream, as she currently doesn't have an 'award potential' talent. But maybe it'll break through?

When I told her to picture them all naked, she said, "Whaddaya trying to do? Make me barf?"

Prayer won't work as she's currently agnostic (which is a step up from the athiest she was a month ago).

She's making me feel very insecure as a parent again. I think tonight I will tell her to give me compliments, even if she has to lie.
My compliments on her mean nothing, as I'm 'just' her mother and 'have' to say that kind of stuff.

Thanks for the hugs. Backatcha Belle!
Thank goodness for you guys. Imagine what that kid would turn into if left to her.

We already think he is going to have learning issues. He has a slightly lazy eye, and quite often will stare at you like he totally doesn't understand.

Poor little guy. I don't know the whole history, but it sure sounds like a good thing that he has you.

Just don't let word get out or you'll have people dropping off stray children with their stray roosters. That would be funny if it weren't sadly true.

Wegots, in another 10 years or so your DD will think you know everything again. Hang in there.
I'm off to an assembly at the Elementary School - soooooo boring, but the kids get a thrill to see me there.

I got notices from both their teachers that my kids were going to be "honored" at the assembly - I know they're getting awards because they both got straight A's this quarter, but they might be getting something else, too.


Don't have too much fun without me!
Oooohhhh, I see you are all offline. Oh goody! I can say anything outrageous I like and not get immediate evilly witty responses. Let's see......

Um... let's see.... AH, here it is: I am wearing the same socks TWO DAYS IN A ROW~!

[sitting back in satisfaction for shaking up the universe and not having to suffer for it]
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