Office Work.......

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I plan on behaving this weekend so i can have a true "first week". But I have never had any luck if this doesn't work, I'm sure as heck not going to starve myself for no reason.

Leaving at 3:30 today to take my little poodle to a new vet. her teeth are all rotten and she needs a major dental. Hoping his estimate is nowhere near what my regular vet is.............I had a quote for $400 to remove a single broken tooth from my cat a few months back. Now I have an OLD dog who needs major dental work and LOTS of extractions? I can only imagine what it would be at my regular vet.

Guess I will have to put off my own dental work a bit longer......SIGH.
Hey All!

I'll try being on more, I promise!

I'm hitting the work hard today, ahve to get all of my end-of-month ten-day closing notices sent today because I'm out tomorrow and Friday for a girls' weekend in Minneapolis/St Paul! Going to a conference and.....CELTIC THUNDER CONCERT!!!!! *insert giant swoon here*
Morning y'all. Raining ducks and geese outside. And we have 9 children staying at our house... Though right now I don't hear many noises.

Anyone want a Cornish runt? Free...

I'm quite lonely this morning. No one is on and I've already gone through every email in my inbox. I might need a piece of pizza to cheer me up.. Maybe from Costco... I'm on it.
Hi Sparklies!
Have fun and stay out trouble!! (

Matthew, you'd better go find those kids. When they're quiet that's a dangerous sign

Of course, when they smell the pizza they'll prbably all come find you!
Orchy Orchy, where are you? I did the abs/core workout this morning that I promised. I can't believe I dragged my sorry butt out of bed earlier than usual with the thought "if I don't do that workout, I'll never hear the end of it from Orchy!"
Don't be making promises you can't keep Young Lady. You will be in la la land for a while after you see your Celtic swoon machines.

Oh you know it! DH calls them "Man Meat on Display"...... he might be more than a little accurate.... teehee

I hate this time of year, I mean, I loved Fall before I worked for Social Services, now I hate it, because I spend all season issuing emergency assistance to clients who are getting shutoff notices from utilities before the "Cold Weather Rule' takes effect.... yay.
Lovely updates:

I milked our sweet lil angus momma for 2 weeks. By the end of two weeks we had gone from sweet, obedient Calfy, to Wench with Entitlement issues. She actually thought she should get to eat in the milking stall LAYING DOWN and I had no reason to yell at her about that!!! Ever see a short cow lay down in a head gate around a milk pail?

Last Thursday morning at 4 a pack of coyotes woke me up howling next to my house (literally, 12 ft from my bedroom window) thankfully I didnt suffer any losses. Night vision scopes are in the works. This morning, I turned on my blow dryer at 5:20, and one started yowling under the window, which woke up DH. Again, no losses, but I'm really get excited to take a day off next week and kill something. If they follow the pattern they've used over the last month, they will be here between 2 and 6 next Tuesday morning.

Last weekend we combined corn, left enough staning for deer hunting, that went well.
Great to have you also Buffy
I had been having a hard time finding a thread I liked. Unless everyone here starts sharing 100's of recipies.. I'll probably stay

Matthew, you'd better go find those kids. When they're quiet that's a dangerous sign
Of course, when they smell the pizza they'll prbably all come find you!

Actually, I'm now at the hair dresser's. I left...
My DF is actually taking care of them. At our house.
I'm still thinking about the pizza. I'll go after I finish these threads...​
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[whispering quietly] Careful saying stuff like that - NellaBean just started Weight Watchers and she was always a little bit scary, so we've all been tip-toeing very, very quietly this week. You might just set her off!
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