Oh Smuv, you can't judge cat junk? Poor Thunder, probably having an identity crisis. ;)
I wanna give a HUGE Shout Out to our lovely @staceyj , for whom I will forever be grateful to for her unending knowledge of kitty genitalia.....

Our new(est) cat, Thunder, is NOT a girl.... but a neutered BOY!

The song Thunder was named after, PICs favorite song (currently):

Oh, wow that's terrible. You were a good chicken mama to the end though and I'm sure that was the most delicious spider ever made.
So Jaiden's appointment did not end well. The vet diagnosed her with an abdominal tumor. I decided to have her euthanized rather than let her suffer as there was no chance she would recover. My tiny human is understandably devastated. She cried for several hours and kept telling me that she was too little to die. It's surprising how quickly you get attached to an animal in such a short time. It wasn't even close to the diagnosis that I expected when I walked in. On the way there I was even telling Jaiden that we'd stop at McDonald's and get a hamburger on the way home. On the bright side her last meal was a spider she found on the floor at the vet's office. Hopefully we never have to repeat this experience, but it's nice to know that there's a vet in the area who's able to care for our chickens and doesn't look at you like you're crazy when you're sitting there crying about your chicken. They did the fecal float and found no worms or any coccidiosis. They said that's not a definitive that none of the other chickens have it but she does not.
Oh Smuv, you can't judge cat junk? Poor Thunder, probably having an identity crisis. ;)

Look betch, I took PetSmart at their word that Thunder was a GURLLLLLLL........ no reason for me to get up close and personal with cat junk until DH said one night that he could see her kittoris.... I am TRYING to be PC here and y'all make it so hard... OMG AGAIN!!!!!......... I'm gonna see myself out now..... :gig:lau:gig:lau:gig:lau
Nothin to say, speechless. GOOD JOB!:gig
Look betch, I took PetSmart at their word that Thunder was a GURLLLLLLL........ no reason for me to get up close and personal with cat junk until DH said one night that he could see her kittoris.... I am TRYING to be PC here and y'all make it so hard... OMG AGAIN!!!!!......... I'm gonna see myself out now..... :gig:lau:gig:lau:gig:lau
Look betch, I took PetSmart at their word that Thunder was a GURLLLLLLL........ no reason for me to get up close and personal with cat junk until DH said one night that he could see her kittoris.... I am TRYING to be PC here and y'all make it so hard... OMG AGAIN!!!!!......... I'm gonna see myself out now..... :gig:lau:gig:lau:gig:lau

Don't feel bad Smuv!!
I had a cat dumped off on me. I was told it was male. I never looked. Took "him" to the vet 2 weeks later. The vet asked if I brought the right cat! :gig

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