Thanks everyone. Tiny human is doing slightly better but yelled at me when I accidentally called Damon, Jaiden. In my defense, I've always done that.

It is so big! She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends...I mean her's just so that song!
Me too! My bff's name is Beki... I used to abuse it.

Oh Smuv, you can't judge cat junk? Poor Thunder, probably having an identity crisis. ;)
Poor Thunder... He's not well endowed at all. Honestly, I hope it was a mistake on his placard bc they supposedly fix them before they put them up for sale... Spaying a male would be a horrible mistake.

Ok I'm a total weirdo, the absolute first thing i do when i get a new cat is yank up that tail and see what's under the hood. :lau
Nope, I do the same thing. Not weird at all... Need to know what you're in for.
With the stray that adopted us, I had to have my sister tell me if she was male or female. unless they have huge obvious male taters, I'm clueless.
Oh man, i could tell on Crazy Cats kittens as soon as they were born! Cats are easy compared to baby rabbits.
Oh i know! I called that last bunny a girl his name was April until he got his rabbit stuff hung in the cage bottom. We changed his name to August after that. I had no idea they suck the goods up inside like that.
Oh man, i could tell on Crazy Cats kittens as soon as they were born! Cats are easy compared to baby rabbits.
So Jaiden's appointment did not end well. The vet diagnosed her with an abdominal tumor. I decided to have her euthanized rather than let her suffer as there was no chance she would recover. My tiny human is understandably devastated. She cried for several hours and kept telling me that she was too little to die. It's surprising how quickly you get attached to an animal in such a short time. It wasn't even close to the diagnosis that I expected when I walked in. On the way there I was even telling Jaiden that we'd stop at McDonald's and get a hamburger on the way home. On the bright side her last meal was a spider she found on the floor at the vet's office. Hopefully we never have to repeat this experience, but it's nice to know that there's a vet in the area who's able to care for our chickens and doesn't look at you like you're crazy when you're sitting there crying about your chicken. They did the fecal float and found no worms or any coccidiosis. They said that's not a definitive that none of the other chickens have it but she does not.
:( I’m sorry :hugs

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