Im alive,albiet barely.
Remember ladies "and Bob", if you dont trust the potato salad dont eat the potato salad.
Please excuse my untimely absense, I have not been pleasant company.
Missed you guys, im semi normal and 10 lbs lighter....and a deathly fear of potato salad.
I do not trust potato salad anymore either! I read an article several years ago about a person bringing potato salad to a Church Social using home canned potatoes. They were not pressure canned and some at the social died from botulism.

It is good to see you back!
Im alive,albiet barely.
Remember ladies "and Bob", if you dont trust the potato salad dont eat the potato salad.
Please excuse my untimely absense, I have not been pleasant company.
Missed you guys, im semi normal and 10 lbs lighter....and a deathly fear of potato salad.
Glad to see you back. I had a case of mastitis while you were gone which had me feeling horrible about 2 weeks ago.

I'm also in the process of getting rid of a bunch-o birdies. I should have 25-26 when i'm done, that includes banties.

Happy New Year!

I couldn't help myself.
Im alive,albiet barely.
Remember ladies "and Bob", if you dont trust the potato salad dont eat the potato salad.
Please excuse my untimely absense, I have not been pleasant company.
Missed you guys, im semi normal and 10 lbs lighter....and a deathly fear of potato salad.
Yay, you are back!
Im alive,albiet barely.
Remember ladies "and Bob", if you dont trust the potato salad dont eat the potato salad.
Please excuse my untimely absense, I have not been pleasant company.
Missed you guys, im semi normal and 10 lbs lighter....and a deathly fear of potato salad.

Missed you lady! So sorry about the potatocalypse. Sounds horrible.

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