Hi everybody :frow

got some fall bulbs planted. Figured now was as good a time as any. Gotta get a small filling tomorrow šŸ˜”.

my seedlings look really good so far :bun:celebrate my skinny bunny seems to be picking up some weight. His spine feels less prominent.
Good. A tad sore from the dental work, but overall pretty good.
how have you been?
Dental visits are never fun :hugs
I'm doing really well, thanks for asking, I'm walking to check the mail most days and finally took the plunge and get around by driving Bob's truck, since that's the only vehicle here. I truly don't know what I was afraid of šŸ™„. I'd walk around the property more, but too many trees are down.
My computer is about as stable as it's going to get, for now, until they release another bios update, which they are working on.

My DDR5 RAM came in today. I live in between two larger towns, each being about 25 minutes away from where I live. The Amazon warehouse that had my RAM chips, is about 30 minutes away. When we ordered the RAM, they were suppose to deliver it the next day. It didn't come the next day. In fact, it took 4 days for them to get it to me. This prompted the question of whether it was being transported by a sick carrier pigeon.

Upon checking, it got sent to Minneapolis Minnesota. ????? They had more in stock, so you would think that they would have sent it on out, right away, then canceled the stuff that got sent to Minnesota. Nope. I had to wait for it to come back from Minneapolis, to the same Amazon warehouse it originated from, then put it on the truck to send to me. It took 4 days, a cross country trip and back, for them to get it on the truck for delivery to me. What a way to run a company!

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