21* here! Feels like 9* with 11mph wind. Oh joy!

The coop is cold and has high humidity. Not sure what to do.

What is the humidity outside the coop?

We have had a few very cold nights with external humidity in the 80%+. Mine did ok.

If outside humidity is 10% or more lower than inside the coop I do a poop scoop, add shavings and even if its really cold I open a window or two.

:fl That yours do well.
I know right!

It keeps changing my v's to b's. I know SOMETIMES I fat finger them but not as often as they are changed.......
I've had my phone for about 3 years now and it still can't spell my kids' names correctly. When I use voice to text I get the wrong spelling if I'm lucky. And if I try typing it it keeps changing the younger one's name to Larissa and the big one is Lyra. SMH.

Apryl said;

My guess for the 2 w/ beak issues is that they got it caught on something, could be the fencing, or forgot to duck coming out the pop door. Did you see blood anywhere else? I wouldn't think they'd be able to get to each other well enough through the fence.

I don't know, I didn't see any blood anywhere else. It was weird. My pop door is nice and high, can't be that.

Suzi is healing nicely! She actually ate (devoured) some egg last night, and this AM was able to eat some of her regular food. :) She is the sweetest thing, Suzi. She's the size of a small pigeon and loves to fly onto me. I love her. :loveI put Flower in with her so she'd have company, and because I'm paranoid about leaving her outside until DH fixes the run.

He is still insisting a raccoon didn't do it (DENIAL!!) My next door neighbor *feeds the raccoons*, hello.

We have a big grey feral cat that DH said was in the backyard today, and insists that is what killed my chickens. I said the pattern of how they were killed were consistent with a coon. How do cats kill chickens? (I mean the pattern of carnage after?)

Hey, how is your tiny human and the dizziness? And the other stuff? Is she OK? My awful dizzyz-spells-during-driving subsided as soon as I went back on my regular dose of meds, thank the gods, it was really freaking me out!!
What's the top of your run made out of? If they're flyers maybe they took off when they got scared & hit the top of the run.
Glad he got things secured. Your neighbor is a moron. I'd get a trap and start disposing of them.. either by death or relocation, but if you relocate check w/ area stuff b/c apparently my county was under raccoon quarantine last summer b/c of rabies. Didn't know it was a thing.

We actually ended up at the dr yesterday b/c her tonsils were all swollen and she said it felt like her throat was closing (not anaphylaxis, just swelling). They swabbed for strep, it was neg, but they're doing a culture to be sure. So at this point it's just a virus. She's home for today (we were hoping for a snow day, but no) and she really looks sick so she's actually resting.
I asked them about the dizziness and passing out. She said we don't need a referral w/ the heart clinic since we've seen them before, and if it happens again def get her in there, but that an underlying illness could have caused the dizziness too. She also said it looks like she has some fluid in one of her ears. So at this point we're going to keep up her salt and fluids and if it happens again we'll call the heart center.
Her allergist had mentioned that sometimes w/ intestinal malrotation people will have heart issues b/c the heart isn't where it's supposed to be & suggested getting her checked. If it happens again we'll def get that looked at, but it's entirely possible that my child's almost completely sedentary life during xmas break caught up with her. Laying in bed letting her muscles atrophy for days eating nothing but chicken nuggets and jelly beans probably wasn't the best idea.

Glad you're feeling better. Med changes are the worst. Were they upping it b/c they didn't like some test results or was it a 'let's see what happens' kinda thing?

@pitbullmomma I linked an infographic too. Don't think I tagged you though.
Has a bunch of them.
That is an awesome website, thanks!

Marlene needs hormone therapy, iv'e said "get off that child!" So many times i'm going hoarse. She's big and gorgeous with these expressive eyes and a little floppy comb...but the girl is so dang BUTCH! It has literally been a day of musical pullets for her. Iv'e shooed her off a few times, Negan comes and supervises one little "bad girl!" peck after iv'e done the work.
Lulu is nearly as bad but she just chases, never catches anyone unless they stop. It is at least comical to watch her run.
Marlene has to be watched though, she's got a little looney in her.:caf
Has Marelene ever laid an egg? Maybe she's one of those looks like a hen, but has boy parts too chickens. I love the ones that looks like a male from one side, and a female from the other.

Here is the scarf i knitted DIL...
View attachment 1637625

I think it’s spring right around the corner so to speak. The days are definitely getting longer!
I wish the days would get warmer. Ohio has just arrived in winter and I'm already missing having warm feet.

Hey guys, my photos does a thing where it does "on this day" reviews of my photos. Six years ago today, I got my wedding dress.
View attachment 1637807
Wow, you look amazing! I can't believe the stuff they can do with alterations. I never would have thought to add a corset to the back, but it turned out beautiful.

When you take a small service dog to the zoo...
View attachment 1638018
View attachment 1638023

When you bring the zoo home for the other small dog to experience...View attachment 1638022
:love Did all the animals come up to you? I wonder if they were trying to figure out how the dog got on the other side of the glass.

Good morning! 33 out there so winter is back. The chickens haven't seen my hat in a while and it showed, love the looks I get when they've forgotten about something.:lau
Short memories. I had snow on my boots last night when I went to the coop and several of them were eating it like it was a treat... like they didn't have a clue that outside their pop door was piles of the stuff. It looked like no one had gone out into the run even though w/ the tarp up & the cover over it there was just a dusting of snow for 1/2 the run.
21* here! Feels like 9* with 11mph wind. Oh joy!

The coop is cold and has high humidity. Not sure what to do.
Is it b/c the bedding is damp or is snow blowing in, then melting? Don't you have the soffits vented? If so I'd think that'd be enough air flow, unless they aren't up high enough. Maybe a small fan up high to circulate the air? But a fan would make wind & make it colder.. Someone else probably has better ideas.

12° feels like -11°:oops:

In the 40s and raining only days ago! :th
You win... or lose, depending on how you look at it. Hope you're keeping warm.
Wow, you look amazing! I can't believe the stuff they can do with alterations. I never would have thought to add a corset to the back, but it turned out beautiful.
In the past, I've made my own Ren faire outfits (I bought corsets for them though). My thought for my wedding dress was to make the skirt and undershirt like I did for my Ren fair outfits. My mom talked me into going to try dresses on just to get ideas and this one was so perfect and cheap that I had to get it. The corset back was an addition I wanted if I was going to buy a dress.
@apryl29 .

My coop has an enormous amount of ventilation. Yes open soffits and all those windows.

I actually had to put baffles in the west soffit due to blowing snow.

With 20+ birds the droppings can really add up. :sick

This morning the humidity inside is at 80% with outside at just 61%. I have not scooped the poops yet so once I get that done it should drop to very close to outside humidity.

It's amazing how much the nighty poops raise that humidity.
@apryl29 .

My coop has an enormous amount of ventilation. Yes open soffits and all those windows.

I actually had to put baffles in the west soffit due to blowing snow.

With 20+ birds the droppings can really add up. :sick

This morning the humidity inside is at 80% with outside at just 61%. I have not scooped the poops yet so once I get that done it should drop to very close to outside humidity.

It's amazing how much the nighty poops raise that humidity.
Even without a hygrometer I can feel the humidity when it’s up in my coop due to droppings, because it’s small.

I’m wondering if a layer sweet pdz would help?

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