Once I was trying to pry a root out of a stupid place in a flower bed and as I was prying on it the shovel snapped and I went straight back and bashed my head into the ground. I laid there for a good 5 minutes contemplating all my terrible life choices. I've also once cut my finger on a can while thinking "I'm going to cut myself doing this".. yet I continued. We're all dumb at one time or another.

I tried that but my cows kept knocking it over. I actually got a rabbit feeder this weekend to deal with that problem. I put a piece of cardboard to separate it into 2 sections. 1/2 grit and 1/2 oyster shell. I'm going to put it in there tonight so hopefully that will solve that problem. They have a container, but it's always getting covered in straw. It's like they see something that doesn't have straw in it and immediate turn around and start kicking [read: freshly cleaned & filled water dish]...
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We have to same POS weather, it seems, though it looks like you're getting the brunt of it. You must be getting the snow that we're supposed to get tonight. Please keep as much of it as you'd like... consider it a gift. :oops:
Do you heat your birds? I don't and I'm wondering if I should do something just for those days when it's going to be negative...
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It's our prerogative to complain about our weather... everyone is allowed, but Banty always wins for having it the worst.

Same. The news people said we're supposed to get our coldest in 25 years.. probably the same as you. A few years back when they had that throw boiling water out the windows b/c it was really cold, did people out there do that too?
I don't have electricity out there
Cattle panel hoop coops anyway.. south side is mostly open.
The roos get frostbite when 100% humidity and the temps drop... like tonight
Good morning! Still got a limpy gimpy but she is improving, keeping up with the others pretty good and scratching semi good. As long as she is doing chicken stuff i'm not going to worry too much.
Great! Maybe next year they can teach the granny flock how to not get lost on the way to the nest box :lol:
Wouldn't that be something? Lol! Seriously though they can get "lost" in a flowerpot but won't lay just anywhere. I think iv'e had two eggs outside the nest but still in the coop and that was Beavis's first two. She laid one on the roost and one in front of the nest, after that always in the nest.:)
How on earth did an A frame slip out from under you? That’s just talent. Right up there with me managing to slam my own fingers in a door. I tripped myself with the dog tie out not to long ago too. No injury but I sure felt dumb.
I had a ladder like that give way on me, it kind of twisted. I fell and landed on my phone and cracked up the screen. It is an evil ladder.
I don't have electricity out there
Cattle panel hoop coops anyway.. south side is mostly open.
The roos get frostbite when 100% humidity and the temps drop... like tonight
That makes me feel a bit better. I don't have anyone w/ a big comb any more. I'll have to slather up a couple w/ bag balm... need to anyway b/c someone is pecking Toothless' comb and it's scabby in a spot. I have a few w/ rose or pea combs so they'll be fine. the rest a single combs, but they seem to do pretty well. Winter can be over any day now.
It got down to 6° in the coop last night. I have the heat lamp ready for Wednesday if I need it. Poor Pat has frostbite on his comb but he's the only one. I've been putting extreme care on it. It looks good for being black. It was normal temperature feeling yesterday and he doesn't have blisters or anything. I just don't know why it's only him.

I got rabbit feeders for grit and oyster shell too! Mine have the solid bottom. Family Farm and Home had a bucket sale. Buy the bucket and anything you can fit in it is 20% off. So I got 2 rabbit feeders and the heater for when I make the nipple waterer.
Here's what we're looking at for the next few days. Wind chills are going to be around -35 apparently.


We had the joy of the furnace going out last night :/ DH couldn't get it working again so now we're just waiting on the repair guy to call us back and get here. We have a wonderful propane heater sitting in the living room now. Not doing much for the rest of the house but at least the living room is nice and toasty and the kitchen is fairly warm. My bedroom is good with a heat lamp and two incubators running in it but the kids' rooms

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