Anybody else that squirrel would be in a biscuit by now lol! :p
I'm doing well, and that squirrel is getting really bold :gig

Guess who just got to holler at a vulture who BTW was minding it's own buisness just so she could hear herself think?
Oh and vultures im pretty sure can roll their eyes, 95% sure.:caf
Anybody else that squirrel would be in a biscuit by now lol! :p

Guess who just got to holler at a vulture who BTW was minding it's own buisness just so she could hear herself think?
Oh and vultures im pretty sure can roll their eyes, 95% sure.:caf
This is me at a friend's to their Guinea! I CAN NOT stand the racket those birds make!
They do make a racket don't they?
Scare the poop out of a person if they aren't expecting it lol!
15 derpy chickens on full blast is almost as bad, almost.
Poor vulture was just preening in a tree, getting screamed at for nothing.
That is on my list of things I would rather not holler at but derps don't give a Pat crow about my list.😅
This is me at a friend's to their Guinea! I CAN NOT stand the racket those birds make!
I have become the local ICU. Intensive Chick Unit.

This little one had slight splay leg. Usual treatment is shelf liner in the broader for grip and in a day or two all is well.
Suddenly this one had one leg jutted out at an odd angle and couldn't walk. I tried hobbles. She threw herself face down on the floor and screamed. It was a full on chick temper tantrum. With kicking legs and all.
So she is now in a high chair. And not amused by it at all. She frequently screams till I show up. Then eats and drinks and screams some more.
(She is under a heat lamp with temperature monitoring.)

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Her highchair being cleaned. But you can see how far apart her little legs are. A day in the chair seemed to do her some good but as soon as I hobbled her again she threw a tantrum.
This morning she had wiggled herself loose from her seat and was half hanging through the poop hole. So she got to come upstairs and be babied.
Heating pad covers.


Then some hobbled forced exercise was in order. I have my hand under the heating pad and make mama sounds to entice her to walk to me. She is not happy with me AT ALL.
Big day for the chicks today! Their first rain storm since being moved out to the coop. I had to go herd them into their coop so they didn't get soaked :rolleyes: Then in the early evening, they got let out for some very closed supervised free range time. DH had just tilled the area for the vegetable garden so there was lots of good digging done by happy little birbs, and some very high quality chick tv for us humans. :love

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