Ok! We’ll keep that in mind! We usually pack a cot for Thing 1 and a porta-crib for Thing 2 to sleep on. We also have camping pads that could be used as well. My husband hasn’t seen the Grand Canyon either and I’d love to show it to him and the kids. We were out there in 2000. It was amazing! I was 14.
We have the mat for a floor sleeper behind the couch. Grand Canyon is ~ a 2 hour drive from here. Lots of people go for a day trip, but I like camping right on the South Rim for the night, keeps the day from being all driving. There is some great free camping close to the South Rim I like, too.Summer is too hot for the Canyon, Spring break is prime time. October and even November is nice, too.:clapSounds like fun!
We have the mat for a floor sleeper behind the couch. Grand Canyon is ~ a 2 hour drive from here. Lots of people go for a day trip, but I like camping right on the South Rim for the night, keeps the day from being all driving. There is some great free camping close to the South Rim I like, too.Summer is too hot for the Canyon, Spring break is prime time. October and even November is nice, too.:clapSounds like fun!
Oh we were out there in July (I think) for 8 days. It was amazing. I loved it. We had a camper and we barely touched the AC in the camper. We spent all day out at the canyon and it cooled off fantastically at night.
A bowl of baking soda will absorb smells. Or put out coffee beans. They don't neutralize but act as a pallet cleanser.
If you're going to keep doing the air b and b I would invest in an air scrubber or ozonator. They use them to remediate mold and after fires for smoke smell.
We actually got tower style air cleaners from Honeywell with a reusable filter. Love them! Plug them in for an hour and you’re all set.
Oh we were out there in July (I think) for 8 days. It was amazing. I loved it. We had a camper and we barely touched the AC in the camper. We spent all day out at the canyon and it cooled off fantastically at night.
I am spoiled by the low humidity in AZ. We use an evaporative cooler (known by some as a swamp cooler) and almost never turn on the AC. The Bunkhouse does not have enough power to it to run an AC, never had one. Maxed out the electric service with a new hot water tank, which I think it never had before, either. It had a wood stove pipe in the kitchen. Wood stove guy took one look and said it was not code, not touchin' it! :lau
I was looking at an ozone machine, now it is looking better . . . I already have baking soda in the frig and under the sink. The girl just seemed to spray the smelly stuff all over the bath room and bedroom. We have a strict NO Smoking policy, and since we live right on the same lot, I hope that will not be a problem. It is a new thing for us to try, we have already fixed up the very dilapidated bunkhouse into a pretty good airbnb, so our equity in our house is increased, which is one reason we bought this place. Some fix-ups that we did without having to fix up while living in the house. Here, you can see it:Our bunkhouse
The more clicks, the better it ranks on airbnb's search, too.
That looks really nice! Love the signs :)
We actually got tower style air cleaners from Honeywell with a reusable filter. Love them! Plug them in for an hour and you’re all set.
Sounds interesting, but I could smell it on the towels and curtains. All were washable, and were washed! Then I counter-acted the surfaces problem with Pledge for the wood and Lysol for everything else. All I could smell was cleaning products at noon today, and they checked in at 1:00. Mission accomplished. Next time I will be smarter, and maybe the Ozone machine is on the way from Amazon tomorrow!
I am spoiled by the low humidity in AZ. We use an evaporative cooler (known by some as a swamp cooler) and almost never turn on the AC. The Bunkhouse does not have enough power to it to run an AC, never had one. Maxed out the electric service with a new hot water tank, which I think it never had before, either. It had a wood stove pipe in the kitchen. Wood stove guy took one look and said it was not code, not touchin' it! :lau
I was born and raised on the eastern seaboard. A 95-105 degree day in AZ felt amazing compared to a 85 degree day with 80+% humidity in DE. I’m happier here in WV. It isn’t too often that we get above 90. Though it is always pretty humid.

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