Good morning everyone šŸ˜Š

My tooth socket is tender , my ear is sore, and my knees hurt where I fell down the other day. I did start taking antibiotics so things should improve soon. Thanks for asking.

Hope you feel better soon :hugsHave a great Wednesday

@featherhead007 Happy belated birthday!! (A hazard of being the last one up, or first one if you wish to see it differently. Either way, I'm not here when everyone else posts, so I don't find out stuff til after everyone has gone to bed.)

:frow Morning :hugs for everyone
Good morning Anansi :frowhave a great Wednesday

Morning everybody :frow
Good morning Fishy :frowhappy Wednesday

That's alright, I know things work a little different there in Seattle! :lau ( I'm kidding). Thank you for your kind wishes.
Good morning Alex :frow have a great Wednesday It sounds like you had a great birthday šŸ˜Š
Good morning everyone. :frow

Finally caught up. It is a super busy week here so just poo ins from me.

I am not good at late nights and an 11pm bedtime did me NO good last night.

Well I must run is through the shower and get to cooking breakfast. :th
:frow Good morning Henny, have a great day
Good morning! I slept nearly an hour late luckily nobody died but I did get some seriously dirty looks.
I think i'll just chock it up to squirrel Bob being a demanding sort of guy that wants breakfast at 7 sharp and the fact that 80% of the big kids are molting lol!
Little ones didn't care, they had food but I did get numerous snuggle requests, word must be getting out about it.
Fine by me, the more that willingly come to me the easier things are.:)
Good morning everyone! My allergies are acting up like crazy.
:frow Good morning Rae, have a great day. Hope the allergies give you a break
Good morning!
:frow Good morning Parront, have a great day
Good morning! I slept nearly an hour late luckily nobody died but I did get some seriously dirty looks.
I think i'll just chock it up to squirrel Bob being a demanding sort of guy that wants breakfast at 7 sharp and the fact that 80% of the big kids are molting lol!
Little ones didn't care, they had food but I did get numerous snuggle requests, word must be getting out about it.
Fine by me, the more that willingly come to me the easier things are.:)
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:frow Good morning Chicky, have a great day

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