just found an early edition of Heidi at my favorite used book store---loved it as a kid and want my granddaughter to read it

I really hope she does. It is worth reading. So many good books that build a creative mind are not read anymore it is a shame.
I think there is a bit to much instant gratification these days and patience, the ability to take time to do something is being lost.
she is 12 and a great reader---loved to come with me when I was volunteering there and tutoring. we just refinished a bookshelf and filled a shelf with her favorite baby books for her soon to be born baby brother

That is awesome on many accounts!
Congratulations on the soon to arrive new grandbaby!
I hope she shares with you what she likes and dislikes in Heidi. Best conversation starter is a good book you have read and she is reading.
So much better to get lost in a good book than a video game!
My kids love reading. DD#'s favorite was Uncle Wiggily's Story Book. The school she was in has a reading minutes program, so I had her read to her sisters every night, and I would read every morning from a different book. Being read to counted as well, so they got 10,000+ minutes every school year. Each daughter that went there was on the 10,000 minute plaque every year they were there.

Reading is something that if encouraged early on will give a lifetime of pleasure.
Awesome pictures! How do you manage to even take a picture of the fish? Mine won’t hold still :(, lol. I would live to get banjo catfish how big do they get?

There’s just something about paper books, isn’t there? I tried going back to school online and just couldn’t handle online studying! I have read Anna Karenina as an ebook, all 1400(?) pages. I figured my ipad would weigh less :lau
It was late and they was half asleep here. Lol

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