I'm thinking of getting a puppy. 6 month old Old English Bull Dog. I may have lost my mind but it's an opportunity I'm not sure I can pass up.

She is pick of the litter from a breeder. The breeder is going through a divorce and said she just doesn't think it's fair to the puppy. So I have the option of being a guardian home.

There is a contract but the basics are I get a dog with the agreement that in the future she can be bred. They wait till the bitch is 2 and only do 2 litters.

The biggest hurdle for me is my heeler. I think a friend her speed would be good for her. At 10 she hasn't slowed down. But she is timid dog aggressive. She picks up on it and exploits the weakness. I have the option of getting the puppy for a trial period. If it's a OH Hell No! I will see that right away. But I would like to give it some time. Some stress situations and such. The breeder seems more than happy to try that.

Soo... I'll get pictures. Her name is Omen.
I'm thinking of getting a puppy. 6 month old Old English Bull Dog. I may have lost my mind but it's an opportunity I'm not sure I can pass up.

She is pick of the litter from a breeder. The breeder is going through a divorce and said she just doesn't think it's fair to the puppy. So I have the option of being a guardian home.

There is a contract but the basics are I get a dog with the agreement that in the future she can be bred. They wait till the bitch is 2 and only do 2 litters.

The biggest hurdle for me is my heeler. I think a friend her speed would be good for her. At 10 she hasn't slowed down. But she is timid dog aggressive. She picks up on it and exploits the weakness. I have the option of getting the puppy for a trial period. If it's a OH Hell No! I will see that right away. But I would like to give it some time. Some stress situations and such. The breeder seems more than happy to try that.

Soo... I'll get pictures. Her name is Omen.
Nice to have a trial period. Puppies can be fun. Hopefully her name is a GOOD omen.
Nice to have a trial period. Puppies can be fun. Hopefully her name is a GOOD omen.
She is registered with an official name but they call her Omen. She asked if I wanted to change it and I said no way. How I could I when she could be a good or bad Omen depending on the day. LOL

I do have the option to adopt her outright. They normally sell for $2500. She said she would make me pay that because I really am doing her a favor by taking her into a loving home. But I know how much she had wanted to keep her for breeding. And I have 2 years before that’s an option anyway.

I‘m trying not to get ahead of myself. It really all depends on how the dogs get along.
She is registered with an official name but they call her Omen. She asked if I wanted to change it and I said no way. How I could I when she could be a good or bad Omen depending on the day. LOL

I do have the option to adopt her outright. They normally sell for $2500. She said she would make me pay that because I really am doing her a favor by taking her into a loving home. But I know how much she had wanted to keep her for breeding. And I have 2 years before that’s an option anyway.

I‘m trying not to get ahead of myself. It really all depends on how the dogs get along.

I am really rooting for little Omen!

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