Oh here’s a cute story about Thing 1. I’m pasting this from a FB group where I asked a question about helping a kid with being upset about animals being butchered.

“ *helping kids with sadness over animal butchering*

We have two barrows going to the butcher tomorrow. We spent this morning moving them into the trailer, so we can leave early in the morning. We would prefer to butcher on farm but we don’t have the setup or the experience to do it and we’ve had a really crappy 3 months.

My 5.5 year old started getting really emotional and upset about the barrows going to the butcher. He was saying he doesn’t want to eat pig meat anymore. I thought this wouldn’t be such a problem raising him on the farm around butchering. But I thought about it, and, with having a baby almost 11 months ago, we haven’t butchered any animals on farm or hauled any animals off to get butchered in over a year. A long time in the life of a 5.5 year old. I lifted him up to look in the trailer earlier and he said “Don’t worry Heckle and Jeckle, we’re here to save you!” 🤦‍♀️ No buddy, we aren’t. We gave them a happy life a d they are going to have one bad day. Is this something that will pass? He’s in a really sensitive, emotional phase right now.

Update: I figured out the biggest thing that was worrying him. I was putting him to bed and he asked what we were doing tomorrow. I told him that I was going with Grampy to take the pigs to the butcher in the morning and we would work on the pig pen tomorrow afternoon. He told me he didn’t want them to go. I explained it is ok to be sad about it but that we gave them a very good life but they are ready to be turned into meat and the Mama pigs will be having cute little babies soon. We talked a bit more and then he said “I don’t want the butcher to turn me into meat.” I then explained that butchers don’t turn people into meat and answered 50 other questions and he seemed more resigned to it.”

Oh here’s a cute story about Thing 1. I’m pasting this from a FB group where I asked a question about helping a kid with being upset about animals being butchered.

“ *helping kids with sadness over animal butchering*

We have two barrows going to the butcher tomorrow. We spent this morning moving them into the trailer, so we can leave early in the morning. We would prefer to butcher on farm but we don’t have the setup or the experience to do it and we’ve had a really crappy 3 months.

My 5.5 year old started getting really emotional and upset about the barrows going to the butcher. He was saying he doesn’t want to eat pig meat anymore. I thought this wouldn’t be such a problem raising him on the farm around butchering. But I thought about it, and, with having a baby almost 11 months ago, we haven’t butchered any animals on farm or hauled any animals off to get butchered in over a year. A long time in the life of a 5.5 year old. I lifted him up to look in the trailer earlier and he said “Don’t worry Heckle and Jeckle, we’re here to save you!” 🤦‍♀️ No buddy, we aren’t. We gave them a happy life a d they are going to have one bad day. Is this something that will pass? He’s in a really sensitive, emotional phase right now.

Update: I figured out the biggest thing that was worrying him. I was putting him to bed and he asked what we were doing tomorrow. I told him that I was going with Grampy to take the pigs to the butcher in the morning and we would work on the pig pen tomorrow afternoon. He told me he didn’t want them to go. I explained it is ok to be sad about it but that we gave them a very good life but they are ready to be turned into meat and the Mama pigs will be having cute little babies soon. We talked a bit more and then he said “I don’t want the butcher to turn me into meat.” I then explained that butchers don’t turn people into meat and answered 50 other questions and he seemed more resigned to it.”

Poor guy....don't you dare butcher him. Shaaa..

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