Thing 2 seems much better and hasn’t puked since last night. After two naps, DH was feeling a little better. Thing 2 isn’t quite there yet. He fell asleep on the couch during a movie just before his normal nap time. He never does that normally, but has done it twice in the past 2 days.
Yesterday (you can tell because the chair he fell asleep on was covered really well.)
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Shaaa. Poor guy. I hope he wakes up feeling way better tomorrow.
Hi everybody :frow

Putting up cabinetry the wrong way and a bunny selfie 🤣View attachment 3018674View attachment 3018675

Now for the heavy stuff. My coworker who lost their spouse very suddenly is coming back. Im not sure what to do. You wanna give them a hug, but thats not appropriate and we’re not that close of friends, just coworkers. Its going to be interesting for a while 😿😿
Kiss that Floofer!
I'm alive. Been a bit crazy as usual. I was trying to catch up on the pages I missed but no luck. I got to puke city and decided to stop.
Glad everyone was feeling better Rae. I hope it has stayed that way.
I went back to working a third account every night. They had started construction and said it would take 2 months. I figured 3. They still aren't done. We are now going on 6 months. I was not a happy that I was the only one not working. When the whole thing started I was going to be off while they did my area then when it was done the other cleaners would be out. At 3 months with no end on sight I spoke up and loudly. Originally we were going to do a rotaing schedule but in the end one guy said he would just take the time off. I said let me know when he was ready to come back we could rotate but no word from him.
I didn't realize how much I had gotten used to easy early days. Adding the extra time threw me for a loop.
Then winter really hit us. And we kept getting freezing rain. I'm beyond ready for spring. It was in the 60s this last weekend and I cleaned coops in shorts and a t shirt. Then it snowed a little Monday. The drastic weather changes are hell on my sinuses and my mental health. It's so hopefull and nice out then crashes to grey and dreary.

My almost 50 lb weighted blanket. This is her favorite way to nap in the day.

They all got new bones! Yes the chihuahuas is almost as big as he is. Once the marrow is gone he doesn't really want it anyway so the larger size is safer for the big girls.
My little old man is showing his age. I'm not sureif he's deafor just ignoring me when he's outside. But he clearly knows when I'm cleaning lettuce for salad. They all line up for some.
I also got a bug and tore most of the nasty carpet out of my kitchen. Again the 15 y/o little guy showing his age. I always wanted to take the carpet up but don't have anything to put down. Well it stunk so bad from him using it as his own personal bathroom I said F it. If I put a towel or pee pad in the floor he would go in a different spot. Cleaning it up did no good. Glued carpet just dries with the smell inside. So I ripped up what I could and put down sheet vinyl and carpet remnants. All of which can be reused later.

This picture just makes me laugh. She loves that stupid hippo but I can't leave it down. It squeaks to easily. She walked around making it squeak endlessly till I want to tear my hair out.

The girls seem to enjoy playing so I'm glad. And just like human children like to get loud when I'm trying to do something or I'm on the phone.

Chicken wise things have been just as crazy. I got fowl winter. Did you know they can get wet and dry fowl pox at the same time? I sadly lost quite a few birds. And of course it was all happening when we got the coldest weather. So I think I lost more than I would have otherwise. I said last year I wasn't going to breed for myself and this year I plan on sticking to that! I have one weird cross I want to make but I think I'm only going to hatch 6 or 8 eggs. I'm calling them Franken Flowers. I want to put my frizzle stripper rooster over some Swedish Flower hens. They should all get the naked neck but I'm hoping for more flower color and pattern. Frizzle would be nice too but the combo just makes me laugh. Now if I wasn't up to my knees in mud I could get some stuff done out there! I'm actually picking up an ice fishing sled for my yard. The wheelbarrow gets bogged down to bad. I was pulling it like a rickshaw this weekend cause I couldn't push it. So hopefully the sled with go easier and I'll be able to use it in the snow too.
If you got this far thanks for enduring the crazy! I'll try to keep up.
Good morning everyone :frow Have a wonderful day

Hi everybody :frow

Putting up cabinetry the wrong way and a bunny selfie 🤣View attachment 3018674View attachment 3018675

Now for the heavy stuff. My coworker who lost their spouse very suddenly is coming back. Im not sure what to do. You wanna give them a hug, but thats not appropriate and we’re not that close of friends, just coworkers. Its going to be interesting for a while 😿😿
Cute selfie 😍
I'm alive. Been a bit crazy as usual. I was trying to catch up on the pages I missed but no luck. I got to puke city and decided to stop.
Glad everyone was feeling better Rae. I hope it has stayed that way.
I went back to working a third account every night. They had started construction and said it would take 2 months. I figured 3. They still aren't done. We are now going on 6 months. I was not a happy that I was the only one not working. When the whole thing started I was going to be off while they did my area then when it was done the other cleaners would be out. At 3 months with no end on sight I spoke up and loudly. Originally we were going to do a rotaing schedule but in the end one guy said he would just take the time off. I said let me know when he was ready to come back we could rotate but no word from him.
I didn't realize how much I had gotten used to easy early days. Adding the extra time threw me for a loop.
Then winter really hit us. And we kept getting freezing rain. I'm beyond ready for spring. It was in the 60s this last weekend and I cleaned coops in shorts and a t shirt. Then it snowed a little Monday. The drastic weather changes are hell on my sinuses and my mental health. It's so hopefull and nice out then crashes to grey and dreary.
View attachment 3019005
My almost 50 lb weighted blanket. This is her favorite way to nap in the day.
View attachment 3019007
They all got new bones! Yes the chihuahuas is almost as big as he is. Once the marrow is gone he doesn't really want it anyway so the larger size is safer for the big girls. View attachment 3019009My little old man is showing his age. I'm not sureif he's deafor just ignoring me when he's outside. But he clearly knows when I'm cleaning lettuce for salad. They all line up for some.
I also got a bug and tore most of the nasty carpet out of my kitchen. Again the 15 y/o little guy showing his age. I always wanted to take the carpet up but don't have anything to put down. Well it stunk so bad from him using it as his own personal bathroom I said F it. If I put a towel or pee pad in the floor he would go in a different spot. Cleaning it up did no good. Glued carpet just dries with the smell inside. So I ripped up what I could and put down sheet vinyl and carpet remnants. All of which can be reused later.
View attachment 3019008
This picture just makes me laugh. She loves that stupid hippo but I can't leave it down. It squeaks to easily. She walked around making it squeak endlessly till I want to tear my hair out.

The girls seem to enjoy playing so I'm glad. And just like human children like to get loud when I'm trying to do something or I'm on the phone.

Chicken wise things have been just as crazy. I got fowl winter. Did you know they can get wet and dry fowl pox at the same time? I sadly lost quite a few birds. And of course it was all happening when we got the coldest weather. So I think I lost more than I would have otherwise. I said last year I wasn't going to breed for myself and this year I plan on sticking to that! I have one weird cross I want to make but I think I'm only going to hatch 6 or 8 eggs. I'm calling them Franken Flowers. I want to put my frizzle stripper rooster over some Swedish Flower hens. They should all get the naked neck but I'm hoping for more flower color and pattern. Frizzle would be nice too but the combo just makes me laugh. Now if I wasn't up to my knees in mud I could get some stuff done out there! I'm actually picking up an ice fishing sled for my yard. The wheelbarrow gets bogged down to bad. I was pulling it like a rickshaw this weekend cause I couldn't push it. So hopefully the sled with go easier and I'll be able to use it in the snow too.
If you got this far thanks for enduring the crazy! I'll try to keep up.
It's good to hear from you, it has been crazy for you :hugs sorry about your birds.
I'm alive. Been a bit crazy as usual. I was trying to catch up on the pages I missed but no luck. I got to puke city and decided to stop.
Glad everyone was feeling better Rae. I hope it has stayed that way.
I went back to working a third account every night. They had started construction and said it would take 2 months. I figured 3. They still aren't done. We are now going on 6 months. I was not a happy that I was the only one not working. When the whole thing started I was going to be off while they did my area then when it was done the other cleaners would be out. At 3 months with no end on sight I spoke up and loudly. Originally we were going to do a rotaing schedule but in the end one guy said he would just take the time off. I said let me know when he was ready to come back we could rotate but no word from him.
I didn't realize how much I had gotten used to easy early days. Adding the extra time threw me for a loop.
Then winter really hit us. And we kept getting freezing rain. I'm beyond ready for spring. It was in the 60s this last weekend and I cleaned coops in shorts and a t shirt. Then it snowed a little Monday. The drastic weather changes are hell on my sinuses and my mental health. It's so hopefull and nice out then crashes to grey and dreary.
View attachment 3019005
My almost 50 lb weighted blanket. This is her favorite way to nap in the day.
View attachment 3019007
They all got new bones! Yes the chihuahuas is almost as big as he is. Once the marrow is gone he doesn't really want it anyway so the larger size is safer for the big girls. View attachment 3019009My little old man is showing his age. I'm not sureif he's deafor just ignoring me when he's outside. But he clearly knows when I'm cleaning lettuce for salad. They all line up for some.
I also got a bug and tore most of the nasty carpet out of my kitchen. Again the 15 y/o little guy showing his age. I always wanted to take the carpet up but don't have anything to put down. Well it stunk so bad from him using it as his own personal bathroom I said F it. If I put a towel or pee pad in the floor he would go in a different spot. Cleaning it up did no good. Glued carpet just dries with the smell inside. So I ripped up what I could and put down sheet vinyl and carpet remnants. All of which can be reused later.
View attachment 3019008
This picture just makes me laugh. She loves that stupid hippo but I can't leave it down. It squeaks to easily. She walked around making it squeak endlessly till I want to tear my hair out.

The girls seem to enjoy playing so I'm glad. And just like human children like to get loud when I'm trying to do something or I'm on the phone.

Chicken wise things have been just as crazy. I got fowl winter. Did you know they can get wet and dry fowl pox at the same time? I sadly lost quite a few birds. And of course it was all happening when we got the coldest weather. So I think I lost more than I would have otherwise. I said last year I wasn't going to breed for myself and this year I plan on sticking to that! I have one weird cross I want to make but I think I'm only going to hatch 6 or 8 eggs. I'm calling them Franken Flowers. I want to put my frizzle stripper rooster over some Swedish Flower hens. They should all get the naked neck but I'm hoping for more flower color and pattern. Frizzle would be nice too but the combo just makes me laugh. Now if I wasn't up to my knees in mud I could get some stuff done out there! I'm actually picking up an ice fishing sled for my yard. The wheelbarrow gets bogged down to bad. I was pulling it like a rickshaw this weekend cause I couldn't push it. So hopefully the sled with go easier and I'll be able to use it in the snow too.
If you got this far thanks for enduring the crazy! I'll try to keep up.
Glad you're ok
Sorry you lost birds
Sleds are easier in mud, not as easy as snow, but much easier than a wheel barrow or wagon.

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