Hi folks!

It’s been a long week already and it is only Tuesday. My church is doing VBS in the evenings this week. Since we live 23-25 miles from church, we decided to just hang out at church all day Sunday (gas prices are insane). We just had the kids watch movies in the nursery. We left at 8am and didn’t get back until 9:15pm. We usually have to older boys in bed by 8-8:30pm. DH took the older boys yesterday and I had to stay home with the Milk Drinker and work. Three more nights of this. Thank goodness I have a 4 day weekend.
Hi folks!

It’s been a long week already and it is only Tuesday. My church is doing VBS in the evenings this week. Since we live 23-25 miles from church, we decided to just hang out at church all day Sunday (gas prices are insane). We just had the kids watch movies in the nursery. We left at 8am and didn’t get back until 9:15pm. We usually have to older boys in bed by 8-8:30pm. DH took the older boys yesterday and I had to stay home with the Milk Drinker and work. Three more nights of this. Thank goodness I have a 4 day weekend.
:frow Good morning Rae, have a great day
Hi all, another nice day, sunny and low humidity 80f

I have a bad turkey Mom. A opossum got her first nest and she went in the coop taking over chicken eggs. Two hatched and she left to go on a broody break . One was dead and the other I gave to another turkey who's eggs didn't hatch. She sat on the other eggs until they disappeared.
She then went to a 3rd nest box and I gave her some more chicken eggs. I found her off the nest with a dead,a live and a few pipped the other day. I gave those to a chicken , stinker, who's eggs kept getting broken. Stinker came off the nest last night with 4 chicks.
This morning Stinker was near the sitting turkey and the chick the turkey hatched went over to turkey....who promptly grabbed the chick like a mouse and apparently was trying to kill....it seems ok....now I have an idea what happened to the dead chicks she hatched. For now I threw the turkey out of the coop and locked the chicken in. There's 5 other broodies in there and I don't need a killer queen.
Don't want to deal with selling her or butchering right now. Hoping if I leave her out she will break.
Must be a curse going around.
Homer is broody for the first time ever and it isn't pretty.
I don't know if you've ever heard a really mad kid growl like all low and slobbery sounding... yeah.
She's nude from input to output but just on the bottom sitting face in the corner slobber growling.
I thought she was flipping sick.
Hi all, another nice day, sunny and low humidity 80f

I have a bad turkey Mom. A opossum got her first nest and she went in the coop taking over chicken eggs. Two hatched and she left to go on a broody break . One was dead and the other I gave to another turkey who's eggs didn't hatch. She sat on the other eggs until they disappeared.
She then went to a 3rd nest box and I gave her some more chicken eggs. I found her off the nest with a dead,a live and a few pipped the other day. I gave those to a chicken , stinker, who's eggs kept getting broken. Stinker came off the nest last night with 4 chicks.
This morning Stinker was near the sitting turkey and the chick the turkey hatched went over to turkey....who promptly grabbed the chick like a mouse and apparently was trying to kill....it seems ok....now I have an idea what happened to the dead chicks she hatched. For now I threw the turkey out of the coop and locked the chicken in. There's 5 other broodies in there and I don't need a killer queen.
Don't want to deal with selling her or butchering right now. Hoping if I leave her out she will break.
Must be a curse going around.
Homer is broody for the first time ever and it isn't pretty.
I don't know if you've ever heard a really mad kid growl like all low and slobbery sounding... yeah.
She's nude from input to output but just on the bottom sitting face in the corner slobber growling.
I thought she was flipping sick.
Yes I have a couple maniac growler chickens. Turkeys turn into cobras, I have learned to leave them be. The original turkey hen was a killer queen with her first poults, but not the next hatches.
Hi all, another nice day, sunny and low humidity 80f

I have a bad turkey Mom. A opossum got her first nest and she went in the coop taking over chicken eggs. Two hatched and she left to go on a broody break . One was dead and the other I gave to another turkey who's eggs didn't hatch. She sat on the other eggs until they disappeared.
She then went to a 3rd nest box and I gave her some more chicken eggs. I found her off the nest with a dead,a live and a few pipped the other day. I gave those to a chicken , stinker, who's eggs kept getting broken. Stinker came off the nest last night with 4 chicks.
This morning Stinker was near the sitting turkey and the chick the turkey hatched went over to turkey....who promptly grabbed the chick like a mouse and apparently was trying to kill....it seems ok....now I have an idea what happened to the dead chicks she hatched. For now I threw the turkey out of the coop and locked the chicken in. There's 5 other broodies in there and I don't need a killer queen.
Don't want to deal with selling her or butchering right now. Hoping if I leave her out she will break.
I had one Dark Cornish girl who went broody and I gave incubator babies because she kept squishing the eggs I gave her. She was fine with them until they started trying to come out from under her to find food. Then she'd start viciously pecking them on the head until they went back under. I took the babies away after I saw she hadn't brought them out and I moved her and the babies out into the run for food and saw this happening.
I can't describe the sound any better than wet balloon when I picked her up this morning.
I had no clue chickens made so much saliva.
I'm glad she hasn't picked up on the cobra thing turkeys got going on.
Bless her sweet heart but there is no way I'd let her wonky little self have chicks....noooo, not enough paper towels in the world to handle that. :lau
Yes I have a couple maniac growler chickens. Turkeys turn into cobras, I have learned to leave them be. The original turkey hen was a killer queen with her first poults, but not the next hatches.

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