I'm from a long line of various species of packrats.
Some were tidy like my maternal grandmother who filled her attic so full that the ceiling bulged out in the bathroom.
Her house was immaculate, garage immaculate, attic though had unopened stuff from 1963.
Other side were ones like my dad that brought more stuff home from the dump than he'd take off and not hide a single solitary bit of it.
I'm a hideous mix of both so I've kinda got to walk a fine line with the junk.
Doesn't help that hubs got along with dad so much dad left him all his treasure and mom kept a ton of grandma's attic stash that trickled down to me.
Personally I've got like four junk drawers so I'm not completely innocent.
Yeah I have 4 generations of treasures I'm tripping over. 1% is worth something. 90% I need to go through and donate, sell, or toss
Hello Folks!

Today marks 10 years since I met DH. We had only talked online for about a week before the date. I told him I wanted to go for a hike. It turned out to be the hottest day of the year so far. It wasn't that bad, the hike was only a bit over 3 miles and 80% of it was shaded. We talked and talked. Eventually we went to Rita's for ice cream and sat on the hood of our cars (the sun was mostly down by then) for hours. Our date was only ended when the 2012 derecho rolled through. We both had to dodge falling trees and other debris on our respective drives home. Almost 9 years married and 3 kids later, I can't imagine living a different life.

Good morning everybody :frow

Hubs did the dishes yesterday and thats it. He still will not get his crap out of the bedroom. And yes, it is misc. stuff (crap) so not easy for me to deal with since i dont wanna get blamed for throwing away some thing “precious”. The bed will be here this morning. I got the mattress and box spring moved by the stairs for easy removal since i didnt get the fish tank out of the hall. Hopefully the stuff theyre bringing wont be bulky. Going to rip up carpeting today. yay. I mean :celebrate I may need to sneak my work gloves when i inevidently will need to go buy another knife and pry bar cuz we cant find the ones we have. And paint rollers. Ive been painting the subfloors with kilz after scrubbing to help mask the old smells that leaked through.
Sounds like DH's mother. When DH was 18-20 yo, his parents moved to the DC metro area and left him to clean out their old house. He tossed a whole mess of stuff. His mom got pissed a couple years later when she asked what happened to the fabric that came off one of her grandparent's old couches. The furniture died a horrible death ages ago and she saved the fabric hoping to get a new couch made for it. I think it was of Indian manufacture from when her father's parents were missionaries in India. My husband had thrown it out because it was old, ratty and had multiple families of mice turn it into nests. DH said she brought that up in arguments for years as and example of him not caring about her things. :rolleyes:
It's only an issue once it demands a blood sacrifice. :D
When we moved to WV, DH and I were given the task of cleaning out my ILs house in the DC metro area. It took several involuntary blood sacrifices from me and DH.
I'm from a long line of various species of packrats.
Some were tidy like my maternal grandmother who filled her attic so full that the ceiling bulged out in the bathroom.
Her house was immaculate, garage immaculate, attic though had unopened stuff from 1963.
Other side were ones like my dad that brought more stuff home from the dump than he'd take off and not hide a single solitary bit of it.
I'm a hideous mix of both so I've kinda got to walk a fine line with the junk.
Doesn't help that hubs got along with dad so much dad left him all his treasure and mom kept a ton of grandma's attic stash that trickled down to me.
Personally I've got like four junk drawers so I'm not completely innocent.
The attic of my IL's house in the DC metro area was packed, but not as packed as you were describing. DH and I are both working hard to fight both of our own packrat behavior. We are making progress. However, It's been 3 years since we moved into these houses and we STILL have stuff over in my parents' old farm house. I think once the weather cools off we should try to do a massive sort. A lot of it is my ILs stuff but we've already done 2-3 massive sorts, but we still have most of a room in the house occupied with our stuff.
Hello Folks!

Today marks 10 years since I met DH. We had only talked online for about a week before the date. I told him I wanted to go for a hike. It turned out to be the hottest day of the year so far. It wasn't that bad, the hike was only a bit over 3 miles and 80% of it was shaded. We talked and talked. Eventually we went to Rita's for ice cream and sat on the hood of our cars (the sun was mostly down by then) for hours. Our date was only ended when the 2012 derecho rolled through. We both had to dodge falling trees and other debris on our respective drives home. Almost 9 years married and 3 kids later, I can't imagine living a different life.

Sounds like DH's mother. When DH was 18-20 yo, his parents moved to the DC metro area and left him to clean out their old house. He tossed a whole mess of stuff. His mom got pissed a couple years later when she asked what happened to the fabric that came off one of her grandparent's old couches. The furniture died a horrible death ages ago and she saved the fabric hoping to get a new couch made for it. I think it was of Indian manufacture from when her father's parents were missionaries in India. My husband had thrown it out because it was old, ratty and had multiple families of mice turn it into nests. DH said she brought that up in arguments for years as and example of him not caring about her things. :rolleyes:

When we moved to WV, DH and I were given the task of cleaning out my ILs house in the DC metro area. It took several involuntary blood sacrifices from me and DH.

The attic of my IL's house in the DC metro area was packed, but not as packed as you were describing. DH and I are both working hard to fight both of our own packrat behavior. We are making progress. However, It's been 3 years since we moved into these houses and we STILL have stuff over in my parents' old farm house. I think once the weather cools off we should try to do a massive sort. A lot of it is my ILs stuff but we've already done 2-3 massive sorts, but we still have most of a room in the house occupied with our stuff.
Happy meeting anniversary 🎉
I wanted to write this in a separate post. I'm coming to the conclusion that it might not be the time for me to be working on my Cornish birds. I didn't do any hatching in 2019 or 2021 and I haven't done any yet this year. I'm really behind. All my birds are 3 years and older. Maybe I should get a few layers for the small amount of eggs we do eat and do CX for meat. I also don't have the time to care for them like I should. My FIL does most of the day to day care, but I can't be out there watching the birds and looking for issues with having to work and care for the kids. We aren't really getting any benefit from the birds and they are a financial drain. I want to get back into them someday, but I don't think I have the time or energy to even maintain a token flock. That isn't good enough to keep the birds in top meat production form. We have a lot of land that we aren't using and we are thinking about getting a meat cow (or cows) to start raising our own beef. A couple neighbors have bulls, so that won't be a problem. The chickens are WAY more work than I think the cows would be. We would mainly have to have a place to store hay and mind the fences.

I'm still really conflicted about all this.
You do you Rae, honestly you have a full plate and if taking a break anywhere helps out I'd say that's a good thing.
Like you say you can always go back.:)
I wanted to write this in a separate post. I'm coming to the conclusion that it might not be the time for me to be working on my Cornish birds. I didn't do any hatching in 2019 or 2021 and I haven't done any yet this year. I'm really behind. All my birds are 3 years and older. Maybe I should get a few layers for the small amount of eggs we do eat and do CX for meat. I also don't have the time to care for them like I should. My FIL does most of the day to day care, but I can't be out there watching the birds and looking for issues with having to work and care for the kids. We aren't really getting any benefit from the birds and they are a financial drain. I want to get back into them someday, but I don't think I have the time or energy to even maintain a token flock. That isn't good enough to keep the birds in top meat production form. We have a lot of land that we aren't using and we are thinking about getting a meat cow (or cows) to start raising our own beef. A couple neighbors have bulls, so that won't be a problem. The chickens are WAY more work than I think the cows would be. We would mainly have to have a place to store hay and mind the fences.

I'm still really conflicted about all this.
I wanted to write this in a separate post. I'm coming to the conclusion that it might not be the time for me to be working on my Cornish birds. I didn't do any hatching in 2019 or 2021 and I haven't done any yet this year. I'm really behind. All my birds are 3 years and older. Maybe I should get a few layers for the small amount of eggs we do eat and do CX for meat. I also don't have the time to care for them like I should. My FIL does most of the day to day care, but I can't be out there watching the birds and looking for issues with having to work and care for the kids. We aren't really getting any benefit from the birds and they are a financial drain. I want to get back into them someday, but I don't think I have the time or energy to even maintain a token flock. That isn't good enough to keep the birds in top meat production form. We have a lot of land that we aren't using and we are thinking about getting a meat cow (or cows) to start raising our own beef. A couple neighbors have bulls, so that won't be a problem. The chickens are WAY more work than I think the cows would be. We would mainly have to have a place to store hay and mind the fences.

I'm still really conflicted about all this.
If you could find someone local to keep the line going.... since they are so hard to find good ones.

I have been feeling that way towards turkeys LOL
Ohh, now see that's totally different.
When it gets to that point the overages start going to goodwill.
I've even had secret yard sales but that was before people got so dang creepy.
I've just got a real disdain for tripping over junk though, drives me bonkers.
I kicked a blade attachment that fits a weed trimmer laying in the bedroom floor and that pushed me over the edge.
Never came back. :D
Yup, its weird stuff like that thats in the bedroom, living room, etc. it shouldnt even be in the house 🤷🏻‍♀️
Years ago, they came out with an "organizer handbag". Purses for women, that had at least 15 compartments/pockets. I carried a medium sized purse, with 1 little zippered compartment. It was not organized, but I could feel around in it, and usually find whatever I was looking for, fairly quickly.

One of my cousins had gotten an organizer bag, and decided I just had to have one. She thought it was amazing. I looked inside. Compartments and pockets, hidden compartments and pockets, compartments and pockets on top of compartments and pockets, and a special keyring with a snap to snap inside the purse so you could always find your keys.

Figuring out what should go into which of the compartments was no easy task. After hours of getting everything sorted into a compartment/pocket I was finally organized. About a month later, I gave away the organizer handbag. Things that I used on a very regular basis, I could find. Those things I did not use as often, I had to hunt through endless compartments and pockets to find. It took longer to find anything I was looking for, because I couldn't remember which of the multitude of pockets I put that exact item into.

I mention this story for a reason. Dh and I differ greatly on our opinions of what we should keep, and what we shouldn't. My stuff is not overly organized, but I can usually find what I'm looking for, if no one else has moved it. Dh, on the other hand, has to organize his stuff. Years ago, he was great at it.

Since retirement he's had a lot of time on his hands. He became more organized. Things that had been in a certain box, container, tub, or spot on the shelf, got moved so it would be better organized. More time on his hands, more organizing. Now it's to the point that anything the rest of us might need, we have to ask him where he put it. Most of the time he knows, but sometimes even he doesn't know where he put something. Of course this leads to more organizing.

Every once in awhile, he gets so frustrated, he decides to just toss out anything non-essential, and start over. See what being too organized will get ya?
Been there with both 🤣🤣 I keep things organized but learned to be careful with that one.
I wanted to write this in a separate post. I'm coming to the conclusion that it might not be the time for me to be working on my Cornish birds. I didn't do any hatching in 2019 or 2021 and I haven't done any yet this year. I'm really behind. All my birds are 3 years and older. Maybe I should get a few layers for the small amount of eggs we do eat and do CX for meat. I also don't have the time to care for them like I should. My FIL does most of the day to day care, but I can't be out there watching the birds and looking for issues with having to work and care for the kids. We aren't really getting any benefit from the birds and they are a financial drain. I want to get back into them someday, but I don't think I have the time or energy to even maintain a token flock. That isn't good enough to keep the birds in top meat production form. We have a lot of land that we aren't using and we are thinking about getting a meat cow (or cows) to start raising our own beef. A couple neighbors have bulls, so that won't be a problem. The chickens are WAY more work than I think the cows would be. We would mainly have to have a place to store hay and mind the fences.

I'm still really conflicted about all this.
Out of curiosity, why do you think cows are easier than chickens? I would think chickens are easier than cows, but ive never kept cows.
I still have another whole house of junk besides this one lol!
He still hasn't cleaned out the place before we moved here.
Ive still got buyers offering more than im asking, and willing to purchase a shipping container to hold that crap for the low price of him getting off his butt.
I mean come on now.
I could certainly use that money like yesterday.
Hard when you aren't the sole owner to just do anything.
Think dad set it up that way to mess with me, well done too lol!
That man only bothered you if he liked you and im 99%sure i was his fav. :gig

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