OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

I was in TSC (Springboro) Saturday looking for Plexiglas to replace a window that blew out of the coop Friday, they had their water tanks and lights set up, but no chicks.

You getting anything interesting chick wise ?

Speckled Sussex
Crested Cream Legbar
BlackJersey Giants
Buff Orpington
White Leghorn
Black Copper French Maran

That should give me enough to mix and match with my bunch:D. Hopefully have some good breeders by next spring. Most will just be replacement egg layers.
I have several Australorp Hens and I am looking for a couple of Australorp roosters to breed them to. I have a large incubator and will be setting the eggs in a couple of months. I am looking for roosters from lines that are excellent egg layers. These hens are special as Ohio is very cold and because of the frostbite problem I have started some genetic breeding to breed the Australorp with a pea comb. These hens are second generation and are 3/4 Australorp and 1/4 Buckeye. I hatched around 100 eggs last August and kept the best 20 hens that have the pea comb. We then sold the roosters and are now looking to replace them to get new genetic material.

Can you please post a pic of a hen and rooster? I am just starting with Australorp and are very interested. I was torn between the Buckeye and Lorp foe my new layers and it seems you are working on the issue. I prefer a calm flock and did not want to add Buckeyes.
Can you please post a pic of a hen and rooster? I am just starting with Australorp and are very interested. I was torn between the Buckeye and Lorp foe my new layers and it seems you are working on the issue. I prefer a calm flock and did not want to add Buckeyes.

I will get pictures of them today if possible. They look like Australorps (all black as I culled the ones with brown from the flock), only with the pea combs. I am trying to get them to around 98% Australorp with pea combs, which means that I need to keep breeding them back to pure Australorp roosters until I get the % up. I am picking the ones that have the nicest pea combs and have the build of the Australorp. I Started with Australorp Hens and Bred them to Buckeye roosters for the first generation and then sold my pure Australorp hens after I had hatched out enough eggs to get around 20 good 1/2 Australorp, 1/2 Buckeye Hens. I then bred those hens to some pure Australorp roosters that I had raised earlier and hatched around 100 eggs and have kept the best 20 hens that are 3/4 Australorp, 1/4 Buckeye and all of them have the pea comb. It sold the rest of them that did not meet the standards I was looking for. So now I am wanting to breed these hens back to 100% pure Australorp roosters and set another 100 eggs and keep around 20 of the best hens they will be 87.5% Australorp. I am wanting to do this two more times. Next time I will take them to 93.75% Australorp and the following time I will take them to 96.875% Australorp. All with pea combs. After that I will decide if I need to breed back more to increase the percentage or just cross breed and then start breeding for pure pea com. I have been doing this for a couple of years and it will take at least couple more years to perfect this. My husband really likes the Australorp breed, but with their big combs and frostbite it makes it hard on them, so I decided to do some genetic breeding.
Hey Ohioans my name's Zach. Made an account on this site a while ago but never really got on until now. My fiance and I just got our first chicks from the local feed store. I'm in the Hamilton Ohio, Butler County Area and am wondering if I have any neighbors around here.

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