My chicken dream might come true a bit earlier than I thought! I'm breaking down my old garden shed and realized it's actually a perfect spot for a coop and run. I drew up some designs and showed my partner. He's still on the fence, but where it used to be a hard "no", it's now an "I don't know".
Progress! :D

By the time I've got the shed cleared and salvaged the reusable wood I think I'll have brought him round to my cause :yesss:

Just spent about an hour chopping and tearing through the ivy that had completely covered the roof in the past few years. Hard work, but chickens are a good motivator!
This morning when I went to the chickens.. all my birds in the rooster pen had been stolen.
oh abpatchy I haven't check the forum for a while, I had no idea that such a thing could happen! I'm both sorry and angry! send you hugs and also best wishes to your husband :hugs
I have been disconnected for a while, still I had seen your beautiful chicks on instagram 🐣

I want some new chicks too, I'm waiting for some hen to go broody!

a fox attacked some weeks ago in broad daylight and tried to take a hen, but I guess she fought back... I found her wounded and took her to the vet, where she got stiched!
she took antibiotics for a week and now she is perfectly healed.
now I'm improving my security system, my hens are pets, so I'm really attached to them!
oh abpatchy I haven't check the forum for a while, I had no idea that such a thing could happen! I'm both sorry and angry! send you hugs and also best wishes to your husband :hugs
I have been disconnected for a while, still I had seen your beautiful chicks on instagram 🐣

I want some new chicks too, I'm waiting for some hen to go broody!

a fox attacked some weeks ago in broad daylight and tried to take a hen, but I guess she fought back... I found her wounded and took her to the vet, where she got stiched!
she took antibiotics for a week and now she is perfectly healed.
now I'm improving my security system, my hens are pets, so I'm really attached to them!
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Thank you!! It is very upsetting because you don't know if they are coming back or what happened to my birds. It has been happening more often lately that breeders get their animals stolen.

I am glad your hen made it. She looks like a sweet little thing!
That last picture! :lol:
I'm afraid that wasn't a proper transportation, but I was in a hurry and I just put her in a box. she behaved well, though. a very polite passenger! :D
Thank you!! It is very upsetting because you don't know if they are coming back or what happened to my birds. It has been happening more often lately that breeders get their animals stolen.
I would lock every coop, I'm thinking about locking mine now, even if my hens are not from a breeder.. that's sad, living like you can't trust anybody... but at least you won't have to worry anymore.
I'm afraid that wasn't a proper transportation, but I was in a hurry and I just put her in a box. she behaved well, though. a very polite passenger! :D

I would lock every coop, I'm thinking about locking mine now, even if my hens are not from a breeder.. that's sad, living like you can't trust anybody... but at least you won't have to worry anymore.
I do lock my coop. Just my rooster pens were not locked as I had my plot locked with a chain and lock... then the coop is locked (and I had the windows still closed!! ) I just never bothered locking the rooster pens. The front gate is locked and my plot is locked. And I always thought that they can easily just cut the hardware cloth to get into the pens. Not sure if I'll lock them in the future. Right now I have not been able to clean them out yet. The feed and everything is still in there.
A camera with remote recording might help. But of course it is ridiculous if you really need to make such a fortress.

Where I live there were a several contamination problems with the avian flu the past days. Not just factory farms that are cleared now.
There is a small artificial lake near (15km) from whwre I live with many dead ducks and geese. They caught the rest and killed them all.
And a byc lover I know from another forum who has several coops, and lives only 20 km away , had too many dead chickens in a few days. She contacted the organisations who investigates AFlu . All her remaining chickens needed to be culled.
Horror. :oops:
And I read that there is big problem now in the south of France too. When will this stop?
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Where I live there were a several contamination problems with the avian flu the past days. Not just factory farms that are cleared now.
There is a small artificial lake near (15km) from whwre I live with many dead ducks and geese. They caught the rest and killed them all.

A camera with remote recording might help. But of course it is ridiculous if you really need to make such a fortress.

Where I live there were a several contamination problems with the avian flu the past days. Not just factory farms that are cleared now.
There is a small artificial lake near (15km) from whwre I live with many dead ducks and geese. They caught the rest and killed them all.
And a byc lover I know from another forum who has several coops, and lives only 20 km away , had too many dead chickens in a few days. She contacted the organisations who investigates AFlu . All her remaining chickens needed to be culled.
Horror. :oops:
And I read that there is big problem now in the south of France too. When will this stop?

if there is a distance of 2 km from the sick birds you are safe.

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