Pet Ducks Dumped in Neighborhood Pond, Help?

Free range or backyard/pen?

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I love their little chicken. They are just so adorable!!!

Thank you! It was orginally Gregg's chicken he got last chrismas. When we first got Gregg we gave him a few stuff animals to keep him company, snice he had no siblings and it helped so much.

These are Gregg's siblings, he still sleeps with and loves them to this day. Left is name Bear Friend, and right is named Whale Friend.

Dont worry, Gregg didnt mind Sharing Chicken Friend though.
Kinda funny and interesting, the ducklings will poop anywhere in their brooder but Chicken Friend hasnt been pooped on yet.

Chicken Friend has no stains, and hasn't needed to be cleaned once.
Thank you! It was orginally Gregg's chicken he got last chrismas. When we first got Gregg we gave him a few stuff animals to keep him company, snice he had no siblings and it helped so much.
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These are Gregg's siblings, he still sleeps with and loves them to this day. Left is name Bear Friend, and right is named Whale Friend.

Dont worry, Gregg didnt mind Sharing Chicken Friend though.
Kinda funny and interesting, the ducklings will poop anywhere in their brooder but Chicken Friend hasnt been pooped on yet.

Chicken Friend has no stains, and hasn't needed to be cleaned once.
You're lucky. When mine were ducklings they had a panda bear. They pooped all over that poor bear, lol:lau
Do you have any poultry nutridrench? She might benefit from a little dose of that! Might help her perk her up and give her some needed nutrients directly.

Yes we do, we have Nutridrench. And we also picked up some save-a-chick packets, both the electrolytes and probiotic supplements.

Witch one would be the most beneficial to give to her right now out of the three options?
Yes we do, we have Nutridrench. And we also picked up some save-a-chick packets, both the electrolytes and probiotic supplements.

Witch one would be the most beneficial to give to her right now out of the three options?
You could give her the Save-A-chick in her water and a drop of nutri-drench on her bill.
Thank you for the quick reply Cayuga Momma! We will do that right away, also we have been putting a pinch of Nutritional Yeast in their feed, and mixing it up. Is that an okay amount?
You can do 1 tblsp to 1 cup of feed.
That poor panda bear never saw it coming, they turn him into a pooh bear lol
Yes it was.:lau

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